Reprogrammed Con

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(Last but not least is Nick, the tech marvel of the team).

Nick was pulling an all nighter currently using information about the mystery opponent using their one meet, Director Anika's spirit sight, and any information they got from Tigertron, Computron, Crosshairs and Superion who all were hostage victims that were brainwashed. Even tried contacting Shatter since she's the only opponent who was still alive due to her megamode transformation going wrong. Wheelie had come in and joined him. "Shouldn't humans be getting sleep?" He asked. Nick was startled and looked over. "Oh just you Wheelie, yes but we got to get information on who's been going after us, this isn't steeljaw at work" added Nick. Wheelie sighed and did a facepalm with a metal hand. "Cadet, you should realize that your lack of sleep could affect your ranger work" added Wheelie.

Nick sighed a bit knowing on this being right. "Fine... All right". He shut his systems down and went to bed. Wheelie sighed and decided to stay near him, transformed into rc truck mode. The next morning a tired Nick left to go start training. However meanwhile the secret enemy who has been failing every fight with the rangers hasn't given up yet. The last capsule opened up releasing the bot inside. " You're the last I've got, so we'll make it count ".

"I've been failing on the rangers but there's still one last chance, the blue ranger" the mystery figure said. "Go find them, the blue ranger is the most important because he's got the power of our lifeblood energon, don't fail me". The mystery bot nodded and transformed before leaving. "If I fail this time.... Then I'll have to face them myself" the mystery opponent said. Back at the NEST base Serge and the other rangers have noticed Nick has had trouble concentrating and seems more sleepy then normal. "Send Cadet quail to my office please" added Anika. Nick gulped when he was ordered to go see the director. "Ho boy she better not strip you of ranger status" added Sophia scared.

"Easy Sophia, director knight doesn't seem to be the type" added Serge. Aaron gulped a bit nervous as well. Nick entered the office shaking in fear and nervousness. "Come over and sit" added Anika. Nick came over and took a seat terrified. "Relax I'm not stripping you of ranger status and nor is Starscream" assured Anika. Nick exhaled relaxing, but noticed coffee in front of him. "Yeah drink that so you don't fall asleep while we talk" added Anika.

Nick silently nodded and took the coffee thanking Anika before sipping it. "Now... Concerns have been raised to me by everyone about how lately you're tired a lot and not fully concentrating on your training, eye witness account by Wheelie revealed you've been pulling all nighters, mind explaining yourself?" Asked Anika. Nick sighed a bit seeing the jig was up. "Forgive me director.... It's our mystery opponent who's been connected to the last few attacks.... It's been bothering me a lot that I wanted to find more information". " I even tried contacting Shatter, the only decepticon who survived the last few fights because her mega mode transformation went wrong " explained Nick. Director Anika sighed a bit rubbing her heterochromic eyes due to her bond with Starscream. "Nick, you don't need to take that whole thing on yourself" she said. "Trying to handle things on your own is not going to end well, I should know... I've been there one too many times" added Anika.

Nick raised an eyebrow hearing her. "I'll tell you some other time, but for now look... We haven't ignored the fact that this mystery enemy has been targeting us for our energon powers, honestly I don't think Steeljaw is happy that someone is interfering with his ultimate mission either since this mystery enemy has sent the enemies in Steeljaw's place so we need to be aware our opponents will be hunting them down too" explained Anika. Nick listened to her nodding a bit. "Nick.... I need to remind you that even though cadet lake is the leader, you're most at risk because you carry the power of the very energon that gives the Cybertronians life" added Anika. Nick had noticed she's been calling him Nick instead of Cadet Quail, but nodded. "I understand director" he added. "Wake yourself up... Get some fresh air, let's make sure you're able to hop back in the fight first" added Anika. Nick exhaled knowing what that meant and finished the coffee.

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