The Entrance Test

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Few years before forming the team: Strongarm entered this office and approached someone at the desk. "Commander, we have a problem" she said. The person at the desk looked up, but with Strongarm catching glowing red marks around one eye before a rose-colored plexiglass patch covered it. The person joined her revealing to be Anika. "What's the situation?" She asked. She was led to the monitor witnessing an odd energy suddenly overcome the world. However what got the most attention was it was starting to make the Autobots suddenly go bad. "Barricade as many bots as possible so we keep this fortress protected!" Commanded Anika.

"Yes Commander" added strongarm before she was able to get all the help she could in protecting the fortress HQ. Fast forward to present day a squad of cadets are seen entering the NEST base. Some were excited to take the exam while others were freaking out and nervous. Once inside they were told to take seats and the commander will join them shortly. In her office Anika panted covering her one eye that emitted red light from the pupil before she placed on her plexiglass eye patch which activated and restored her eye to normal. She headed out and joined the cadets. "Welcome new agents to NEST global alliance!" She announced happily. Everyone cheered before she quieted them down.

"What you're about to endure, will require great skill and focus, but the top three who pass will be granted a special promotion" added Anika. "I wish you luck, follow Strongarm and she will enlighten the rules" she finished. The newbies gasped seeing the giant robot suddenly replace the nearby police car. "Follow me cadets and you better be ready to endure what's ahead" she said. Everyone followed her while Anika went to the observation deck to watch them. Once the test was underway Anika observed all of them. "Sentinel how is it looking?" She asked the computer near her. She was given the scores so far seeing Cadet Blaze and cadet Quail were in the top 3 agents along with cadet Fallon.

"Keep track of those scores" added Anika as the scores vanished. The team underwent the remainder of the tests soon reaching the final obstacle course. A red headed girl seemed to be helped by a blonde haired male as they were hitting to the end. A silver haired male disregarded his partner, another blonde male, pulling the weight to get them victory. Once Anika was provided final scores she nodded a bit before making an announcement in her mic. "Cadet Blaze, cadet Quail and cadet Fallon see me in my office, the rest of you head to your dorms we have and study up, thank you" added Anika. The one female cadet and two males were led to the office before entering and the door closed behind them. "Commander knight, why have you requested the three of us?" Asked Cadet Quail, the blonde haired male, politely.

"Wait were we the top scores?!" Asked Cadet blaze, the red headed girl, excitedly. Cadet Fallon, the silver haired male, seemed to roll his eyes. "Obviously we are" added Cadet Fallon. "Silence you three" snapped Anika firmly. The trio immediately stopped and stood at attention. "You are correct you three are the best of the class, so because of that now comes your special promotion" added Anika before she stood up and walked over to this wall before she pulled on a book and it disappeared leaving a safe shocking the duo of blaze and quail but Fallon seemed to smirk evilly. Anika put in her safe code and opened it before pulling out this silver suitcase and placing it on the desk. She opened it revealing these three arm bands colored in red, blue and yellow before looking at them saying, "I present the cyber morphers... You all are to become a team of rangers known as the cyber defense force to keep this world safe from the clutches of the Decepticons".

They gasped looking at them. " So those reports on Steeljaw and Megatronus are true" added Cadet Blaze. "You're looking at the resulting scar on me from being in the crossfire of the first ranger team versus the cons" added Anika pointing to her plexiglass patch. "Cadet Sophia blaze, everything shows you're the one who will definitely have all the energy and enthusiasm to help the team, you will have the stinger" added Anika holding out the yellow morpher to her. Sophia took it and put it on nodding thanking Anika. "Cadet Nick Quail I present the speedster, no one can match your intelligence and makes you the perfect brains of the operation" added Anika holding the blue morpher out having Nicholas take it and put it on thanking her. "And finally cadet Devin Fallon, while I do see you have some aggression and teamwork styles to work on I present the powerjumper, I hope you can show me you can lead a team well?" Asked Anika holding out the red morpher to him. Devin took the morpher not saying anything but then suddenly put his hand to his ear saying "I have it take them out".

Anika, Sophia and Nick suddenly were wide eyed before Anika went for the alert. Devin powered up a laser gun pointing at Anika. "Don't even think about it commander" he said. The two cadets witnessed a portal open and a set of decepticons and brainwashed Autobots come through. "Commander..." Started Sophia. "Help your fellow cadets and the bots in the base, I'll deal with cadet Fallon" added Commander Anika. The duo took off and went to help while Anika faced Devin. "Who are you really?" Asked Anika.

"Lt Frenzy of the decepticons" added Devin suddenly with one bright blue eye and one red eye. "Barricade's lackey... How convenient... Hand me the morpher before I make it rough" she said. "Sorry but Steeljaw will enjoy this" added Frenzy. Anika gently removed her plexiglass patch and set it down on the desk. "You made the wrong choice" she said before reopening her eye and it suddenly went red with odd silver veins formed around it. Frenzy gasped pulling back a bit. "I LOCKED THE REAL HUMAN IN YOUR BASE'S STORAGE ROOM TAKE YOUR MORPHER BUT DON'T HURT ME!!!!" he yelled. Anika tackled frenzy to the ground stealing the morpher back smirking evilly.

"Good boy" she said before suddenly throwing him through the window and he hit the ground in front of a group of cons. Anika put her patch back on and jumped down joining the group. She fired at some of the cons and brainwashed bots before noticing her patch scanned Mirage, one of the bots that master's stealth showing a weakness to free him. "Aim on making them retreat while Mirage gets corralled" she said. Sophia and Nicholas fought back. "Tell us how to use the morphers commander!" Yelled Nicholas. Anika looked at the duo a moment. "Activate them and say cyber force initiate" she said simply.

The duo looked at each other. "Shall we Sophia?" Asked Nicholas. Sophia nodded and both got in pose position. "Cyber force initiate!" The duo called before finding themselves in a gridlined realm with information popping up. Nick activated this file that popped up before suddenly dashing forward at superspeed. He soon stopped but had on this blue suit that included zigzag edged gloves and boots before he formed a racer style ranger helmet around himself abd it immediately appeared including a black covering in front to obscue his face. This blue crystal suddenly appeared before it attached to the center of his belt and he gained a speedstriker weapon armed on it as well. He soon posed saying "Energon of creation blue cyber ranger!"

Sophia followed doing the same download but she started breakdancing instead gaining the same general uniform style like Nick except hers was yellow and included bkack stripes at the elbow and knee cuffs and across the chest. She formed her helmet around herself with bolts of electricity before it appeared including shielding her face. A electric bolt shot at her changing into a yellow crystal that combined on the center belt buckle but she gained a pair of stinger guns that were holstered on her belt as well. She shot electricity into the air saying "energon of electricity!". She then posed armed with her stinger guns ready to strike. " Yellow cyber ranger!!!" The duo were taken aback in surprise. " this is us" added Nick more stunned calmly. "We're rangers I'm so excited!!!!" Exclaimed Sophia.

They faced the cons and brainwashed bots. "Let's send them running!" Added Nick before the duo charged into battle and started fighting back. One cadet was noticed by Anika hiding, this was the former partner to cadet fallon aka Frenzy. She checked her file on him and looked curious. "Cadet Lake stay there" she said. The enemy soon retreated along with Frenzy and repair bots in NEST started doing repairs while security bots looked into improvements of safety. Mirage though was left behind and taken to Doctor Knockout for rescue from the brainwash. The duo of Nick and Sophia demorphed and high fived each other.

Anika came to them. "Not what I wanted you two to start with for the first mission as rangers but you both handled yourselves like pros, that shows I made the right choices" she said. "We'll make you proud commander" added Nick in a serious tone. "But the red morpher....what will you do about it?" Asked Sophia. Anika looked at it in her own hands. "I will find a red ranger for you...but you two will need to learn to work together with whoever I pick, for now you two get some rest" added Anika. They nodded and took off while Anika gestured for Cadet Lake to follow her.

(A/n: jam packed start but finally written. We have the group forming up. So hope you all enjoy. And... I'll figure out how to draw the ranger suits)

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