Nineteen years

55 17 40

The solemn agreement was sealed
My heart raced with joy
Thought love was a beautiful thing
To give ones heart away
The journey into the unknown

Bitter sweet

Had my fair share of sleepless nights
When you were gone by my side
Looking for greener pastures
Mothering became occupation
Fathering was mastered by force

Was determined to love regardless

Taking every day as it comes with faith
The pandora box was discovered
Forgiveness  very hard but was given
Not once,twice but severally
The foundation of trust was shaking

Still loving nevertheless regardless
Then the big break of greener pastures
Caution was thrown into the wind
Vows were broken
Pretence became the rule of the game

Matrimonial bed defiled by strangers

Nineteen years of waiting for the big break
Nineteen years of watching you grow up
Nineteen years of hoping and faithing
Nineteen years of struggles
Nineteen years of battles unending

Emotions running wild
I refuse to distracted by an ingrate
I charge forward, God on my side
Will pour out my love on my Angels
My heady is bloody but unbowed.

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