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I wake up and see how cute Conan is. His alarm goes off and I close my eyes. I feel him get up. I see him go to his house. I can't believe we almost kissed last night. What if our friendship gets ruined like what happened to Jamie and Caleb.

I get ready and start walking to school.

Jamie - What are you doing?

Kayla - Shhhhhh!"

Jamie - You're starting to freak me out.

She sounds concerned.

Kayla - I have to tell you something.

Jamie - This doesn't sound good.

Kayla - Conan and I almost kissed last night

Jamie - WHAT?! How do you feel?

Kayla - Excited! My mind is running with possibilities!

Jamie - How did it happen?

Kayla - We were standing at the front door of my house and he just leaned in to kiss me! We would've done it too, but the motion light turned on and scared us.

Boy 1 - Well, well, well. Look who made it to school after her loooooong night with Jake.

The school laughs at me.

Kayla - What?"

Girl 1 - I heard that Kayla made out with Jake at his party.

Girl 2 - I heard that she slept with him.

Kayla - What on earth, Ew! Jake came onto me and I slapped him.

Boy 2 - Jake said Kayla was good in bed.

Boy 3 - I bet she is.

I see Sarah in the distance laughing. All I could think was, where is Jake!!

Boy 4 - Are the rumors true? Did you really hook up with Kalya Smith?

Jake - Well, I wasn't going to turn her down, if that's what you're asking

All his friends laugh.

What a child. Too bad for him, I'm unfazed

Jamie - He's just looking for attention.Come on, let's go to class

Conan - What's going on?

He asks Sarah

Sarah - It's going around that Kayla hooked up with Jake at his party. I guess she'll kiss anybody.

Conan - What?? I hate this school and it's stupid rumors.

Sarah - What makes you so sure it's a rumor?

Conan - Because I was with her all night last night after she turned him down. I need to find Kayla.

He runs off to find me but I walk to class. Lunch rolls up and I go to the cafeteria. School has been a disaster lately.

Conan - Kayla, are you ok??

Kayla - Conan?

Conan - What? I just wanted to make sure you're alright?

Kayla - I'm resilient. I'll get past being the rumor of the week.

Conan - People just love gossip, they eat it up. You didn't do anything wrong

Kayla - I know. I just don't want to have to face everyone's judgment for something I didn't even do. Something I would never do. I mean, Jake? Seriously? I would never kiss Jake. I just wish I didn't have to be here right now."

Conan - So, let's get out of here then.

Kayla - What?

Conan - All that's left of today is lunch then we have free periods. We don't have to be here and you don't deserve these rumors. Let's go somewhere.

Kayla - What do you have in mind?

Conan - Well... I actually have a place in mind that I've wanted to show you. It's kinda secret. Will you go with me?

Kayla - Yes. I would love too" I say as we walk to his car.

He drives to a car park and says.

Conan - It's a 10 minute hike but I don't think many people have been this way.

He takes my hand. No wonder we parked in a Kmart car parking near a forest.

We get to the top and we can see the view of the city.

Kayla - It's gorgeous out here

Conan - It really is.

We sit there for a few hours and just watch the sun set. Then he drives me home. I get inside and go to my room and do some homework. I then get a message from Conan.

Conan - Did you get your work done?

Kayla - It took all afternoon but I finished the essay for English

Conan - Nice. Well see you at school tomorrow

Kayla - Good Night

Falling // Conan GrayWhere stories live. Discover now