Beach Party Part 2

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I turn around and see Caleb and Conan.

Kayla - What do you want, jerk?

Conan - To be friends?

Kayla - Not going to happen if you're friends with a witch.

Conan - How old are you?

Kayla - Go away Conan, no one wants you here.

Caleb puts his hand up.

Kayla - Shut up Caleb.

Caleb - I didn't even say anything yet. But I take it we're not camping this year?

Conan - What?! But it's our tradition. We've never missed a year

Kayla - Yeah, well, things change.

I cross my arms.

Conan - What's happening to us, guys? Through thick and thin, our group has always been there. It's the best thing that each of us has. Is this really how we're going to let our last year of highschool go?

Caleb - It was hard not getting to hang out with you guys today.

Jamie - Same. I really missed you guys.

Conan - We've always camped together after the beach party. Lets not let our stupid drama ruin our last chance to do this together.

Jamie - I agree.

Kayla - Ok fine

I roll my eyes.

Caleb - And I actually remembered the marshmallows this year.

Kayla - No way. After three years of forgetting, he finally comes through?!

Caleb - Guess I just knew how important this year was.

Conan - Let's stay here tonight and have fun together as a group. We'll build a bonfire, sleep in tents, even go for a night swim.

Jamie - I'm in.

Caleb - Me too

Conan - Kayla, will you stay too? I can't imagine doing our tradition without you.

Jamie - Me neither. In fact, if Kayla isn't doing it, none of us should do it. It's just not the same unless it's the whole group.

Caleb - Totally

Kayla - I'm in for the s'mores!

Everyone gets excited. We build a bonfire, make s'mores, tell scary ghost stories, swim at night, lay down and watch the stars.

Jamie - Laura is having a party at her place tomorrow

I look at her like WTF ARE YOU DOING..

Conan - Did you not want us to come?

Kayla - Oh come on, it wasn't like that.

Conan - I thought I would've been the first person you asked.

Kayla - Not if your with Sarah

Conan - Not this again.

Kayla - I'm kidding. I was going to invite you and Caleb to my party. I just forgot.

Jamie - Caleb, can you take me home?

Caleb - Why can't Smith?.... I mean, Of course I can take you home. Are you ready?

With that they get in Caleb's car. Conan looks sad.

Kayla - What?

Conan - Nothing. Things were tense today.

Kayla - I know what you mean.

Conan - I know you didn't want to stay but Jamie convinced you. How about one quick dip? I don't want to go home just yet.

Kayla - I'm not in the mood, let's just go home.

Conan - Ok. Do you want a lift home?"

I hesitate, then nod my head. We're in his car and we are sitting there quiet.

Conan - You're awfully quiet. What's on your mind?

Kayla - I was just thinking about you and Sarah.

Conan - I wasn't even going to bring her up

Kayla - I know, but why is she always around now?

Conan - Even so, nothing about our friendship will change. You're more important to me, Kayla. Sarah and I talking doesn't change that.

I get annoyed.

Kayla - Talk to me when you're back to earth.

We get home and I slam his door shut and storm inside. I HATE CONAN SO MUCH. I hear coughing and look behind me, it's Conan.

Kayla - What are you doing here? I thought I told you to stay away till you get your act together.

Conan - I came back because I hate it when we fight.

Kayla - We're only fighting because you are talking to Sarah.

Conan - Sarah and I aren't going to date, Kayla

Kayla - Then why did she say you were?

Conan - I don't know, maybe she got the wrong end of the stick... Can we start over? A fresh start? Because I hate it when we fight. I miss how we used to be.

Kayla - Me too. I'd like a fresh start.

Conan - I'm delighted you don't want to fight anymore. I'll see you at the party tonight?

He kisses my cheek.

Did he just kiss me on the cheek?

Falling // Conan GrayWhere stories live. Discover now