2| Runaway Stella

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"Can I get a funnel cake with extra everything, two churros, uh...one order of chili cheese fries, and a large coke?"

The cashier arched an eyebrow at the large order I requested. Instead of saying some smartass remark like I suspected, he held his hand out for the money. "That'll be fifteen dollars even."

I handed him a twenty and waited for my change. Once he handed me the bill, I slid it into my pocket and stepped aside so the next person waiting could order their food. I had an hour to kill before I got to go backstage to meet the members of Swallow Me Whole.

I'd been following the band since I was in sixth grade. Their music was similar to a heavy metal band, except you could understand what they were saying. The first time I heard them play was by total accident. I went with one of my friends to FYE to look for a CD he wanted.

Apparently they were doing some kind of promotion that day, because when he handed me the CD for Swallow Me Whole as we exited the store. He said he got it for free when he paid for his other CD. Apparently that type of music wasn't for him but he knew I liked it.

So I took it home and played it on my CD player.

Three songs in and I was hooked. Anytime they had a concert here in NOLA, I attended. And when they ran that special promo for those unique shirts? I coughed up all the money I'd racked up from birthdays, report cards, and Christmas money from my grandparents to buy it.

Then I heard that SMW was coming here for Warped Tour—and they were offering backstage passes. I worked my ass off mowing lawns and picking up extra shifts at the movie theater to make enough money for these tickets. My so-called best friend was supposed to pay me back for his when he got here.

That obviously wasn't going to happen. Marcus was a no-show, and instead of selling it to another die-hard fan like myself who had the money to pay for it, I gave it to a strange, angry petite little brunette girl.

"Order thirty-one is ready!"

The cashier's voice pulled me from my thoughts and I walked over to grab my food.


I carried my meal to a vacant table and sat down. I reached for a fry and dipped it deeper into the cheese and bacon. Before I could even enjoy it, I got interrupted.

"Good lord! Is that all for you?"

I looked up at Stella. She was standing on the other side of the table, her blue eyes wide as she stared at my food.

"So what if it is?" I popped the fry in my mouth. "Guy's gotta eat. I'm a growing boy."

Stella scoffed and eyed my plate with a grimace. "Keep eating like that and something will definitely grow."

I reached for a churro next. "Are you here just to make fun of my eating habits or what? I thought you ditched me to go find your friends."

She dropped her bag on the bench and took a seat across from me. "You don't need to be so surly."

Stella reached across the table and tore off a piece of my funnel cake. I tried to swat her hand away, but I was too late. The delicious, decadent dessert was already in her mouth.

"What's your deal?" she asked before licking the fudge and sugar from her fingertips.

I pulled my plate of food closer to me like it was 'my precious' from The Lord of the Rings until it was out of Stella Grabbing Range. "Elliot does not share food."

Completely ignoring me, she took a fry. "Okay...Elliot needs to not refer to himself in the third person or he's going to go back to being called Weirdo."

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