CHAPTER 6: I'm Sorry

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After hours of searching for Y/N, Kirito and I finally stop.

Where are you Y/N? Why do you have to run away like this? When I already told you how I feel? I sit on a nearby bench, taking a break from playing hide and seek with Y/N.

You are such an idiot, Y/N! But I love you! I sigh heavily. Getting lost in thought, I feel someone pat my shoulder.

"We'll find her." Kirito said reassuringly as I look up at him.

"How can you be so sure? Knowing Y/N, she will.." I stop amidst sentence. I can't even finish what I was saying, knowing it hurts so much.

Kirito continued my sentence. "Knowing Y/N, she'll avoid us for what? Maybe weeks. But she'll come eventually. She will.." He looks straight at me, sadness visible in his eyes.

He continued. "..come for you. I know her love for you is too great for her to bear. Being far away from you for too long, she can't do that. Believe me."


I know it's true and I believe it. But my pessimistic side tells me that she will sacrifice her own happiness for our friendship. But..

"Hey. Enough of those negative thoughts."

I laugh. "You really are one of my best friends."

"We were two you know, but eventually the other one will be your lover so... I will gonna be your only best friend. Let's get used to it starting today." He smiles.

"How can you say it lightly? Aren't you h-"

He cuts me off. "It hurts. A lot. But what will hurt more is when Y/N might choose to turn down your feelings or to be with you because she puts our friendship first. I want you two to be happy. You are meant to be together. Ever since." He looks down.

He's in a lot of pain. I know. I'm sorry, Kirito. I pull him at me and give him a hug.

"Thanks, Asuna." He said quietly, voice on verge of breaking down.

I let him go. He sighs deeply.

"Let's get you home." I nod.

As I stand up, my mind began to drift off to her. Please come back to me, Y/N. (Ah. Will she?)

After a month~

Standing somewhere, looking up at the sky, thoughts were interrupted when someone call my name.

"Asuna!" Kirito run to me and give me a warm hug.

"Let's continue searching for Y/N."

I nod.

"Kirito, it's been a month since Y/N ran away... I-" I lower my head, trying to stop the negative thoughts but I say it anyway.

"D-do you think she will come back?"

Kirito looks at me sadly then smiles. "What are you saying? Of course, she will."

I didn't reply to what he said. I know I should be thinking positively but it's hard not to in this situation.

I look around then I see fliers around. That gives me an idea.

"Kirito look at the fliers on the walls around the city."

"What about it?

"I think we should create one."

"Y/N is not missing Asuna."

"... But she might be."

"Why do you think that?"

"There's a possibility."

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