CHAPTER 3: Please Don't Go

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Your world turn upside down as you heard what Kirito said. You can't move, you can't think, you just sit there and stare off the distance.

'Did I heard him right? H-how did this happen? How am I-?' Your thought was interrupted by Kirito shaking your shoulder.

"Y/N? Y/N! Are you okay?"

"I-" You take a deep breath. You try your best to sound and look happy.

"I'm fine! Congrats!" You fake smile.

"T-thanks, Y/N." Kirito said quietly.

You stand up. "By the way, I have an errand to do. See you around. Congrats again."

"Okay. I gotta go too."

I run outside and go to the top of the highest and biggest tree in town. It's kinda my favorite place to hide from anything or anyone.

So that's it? I really have no chance to be with Asuna?

I pause.

Who am I kidding? It's impossible for me and Asuna to be together in the first place.

But.. I thought we have something. Was that all in my mind? In my imagination? Am I being just delusional?

How come I didn't see this coming? I should have distanced myself a long time ago before my feelings for her started to get deeper. It's no one's fault. Not Kirito's, not Asuna's. All mine. It's all mine.

Asuna and Kirito together.. Huh.

I stare at the sky. Feeling all alone, feeling empty, lost, and broken. Like a million knives stabbed directly in my heart. Like a glass broken into million pieces. But.. I should be happy for them, right? Right?

I've lost in my thoughts without realizing I was crying hard.. Knowing that the love of my life is lost forever...



Still Y/N'S POV
I think this is the time. The time to go faraway and restart my life. (Can you really?)

I go to my house to ready the things I need...

20 minutes later~

I go outside of my house, staring at it. I've been here since forever.. I never imagine I will leave this house just because I have to go away from.. Yeah.. them. I don't want my heart to shatter more and more.

I know I need to be at their wedding, but I don't think my heart can handle what I will see. I know I'm being selfish. But I can't help it. I can't stand the fact that they will be married. Am I doing the right thing? Do I have to go away?

I stand at the front of my house for about 30 minutes. Not sure if I will go or not. I guess I have to think about it carefully. Maybe until tomorrow.

Honestly, I don't want to upset them, most especially Asuna. I don't want to appear selfish in her eyes. I should try to be happy for them. Even if it hurts.. A lot. No. No words can describe how much pain I feel right now.

"Y-Y/N?" I hear a voice, a very familiar voice I don't want to hear yet I still love.

I turn around and see her. Asuna. She has this worried look on her face. Maybe she knows that I know Kirito and she will be married.

"W-where are you going?" She asked sadly while looking at the big bag in my hand.

"Why are you here?" I asked, she e flinches. I didn't realize it came out harshly. Sorry, my love.

"I-uhmm. Please, don't go."


Maybe it's not fair to talk to her bitterly 'cause she's not at fault, but it's hurts that she didn't tell me about it knowing that I have feelings for her.

I start to walk away. But I stop as she holds my hand. I look at her while she's looking at the ground, tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

"Y/N, please don't go. You can't."

"And why is that?"

"I-I.. Just don't. Don't go." She starts to cry. "You can't leave me. I need you."

The feelings that I've been pent-up for a long time suddenly snaps.

"Stop being selfish!" I shout.

"You're making me confuse, Asuna! You're being selfish! How come you didn't tell me that you and Kirito, my two best friends, will marry each other? On top of that, the girl I love the most will marry my other best friend. Didn't I deserve to know? Are you having fun seeing me broken and in pain? Answer me!" Now I start crying too. I can't hold back what I bottled up inside for a long time.

"Y-Y/N, please.. Try to understand me. It's hard for me. Please, don't leave me."

"Try to understand you?! Did you try to understand what I will feel about all of this?! Heh. I know why it's not hard for you. Maybe you're really having too much fun seeing me like this, in a situation like this. What a fool I've become. Haha!" I laugh sarcastically.

"No. It's not that, Y/N. It's hard for me to s-say, b-because..." She stops and just looks into the ground.

"Because what?" I take a deep breath. I shouldn't be like this. "Asuna, look at me. Please."

I reach out and hold her chin to let her look into my eyes.

"Tell me. I'll try my best to understand you." Even if it will break me more.

"Please?" I plead, wiping the tears from her cheeks.

"Y/N, it's because.. because I-I love you too."

Huh? I accidentally let go of the bag I was holding. Did I-I heard her-

"What?" A voice interrupted my thought. I turn around and see..


"Did I hear you right, Asuna?" Kirito asked with a serious expression on his face.


Sorry again it took me a long time to update. *bows* Gomenasorry from the bottom of my kokoro. 🤣

Jaa ne! ~

EDITED: 03/18/21

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