CHAPTER 11: Just Wait For Me

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We're travelling to place of Kirito's acquaintance who he said can track the traces of any objects and most especially, people. But I can't dissipate the fear and uncertainty in my heart.

"Are you sure this guy can track her somehow?" I asked, my voice with evidence of doubt.

"Asuna, I assure you. It's going to work. This guy has been doing this for all his life." Kirito reassured. "Besides I've known him for a long time so I can confidently say he is one of best."

"Alright." I simply replied.

Though that's not enough for me until proven otherwise. I just can't shake this feeling inside of me. It's kind of annoying, honestly.

"We're close."

Just a few walks then we stopped at the front of a small house. Kirito knocked.

"Noel, it's Kirito."

Seconds after, the door opened revealing a tall guy wearing an eyeglasses. He greeted Kirito and hugged him.

"Bro, it's been forever since I saw you." He said and noticed me. "Who is this beautiful lady?"

"I'm Asuna and I'm not interested on anyone." I answered before Kirito can speak. 'I hate guys like him.'

"Asuna!" Kirito whisper-yelled.

"OHHH! Feisty! I like it. I'm Noel." He said and extended his hand to me.

I shake it not to be rude (A/N: But you already are! XD) and smiled a little.

"Sorry about that, Noel." Kirito apologized, scratching the back of his head.

"No worries, Bro. I like feisty girls." He looked at me while he said 'feisty'.

I decided to just shrug it off for the sake of finding Y/N and commented nothing.

"Come in, come in." Noel gestured us to come inside.

"So what do we need to start?" Kirito asked.

"Hmmm. Do you have a picture of her?"

"Yes." We both answered in unison.

Kirito smiled and maneuver his device (whatsoever) and display a picture of Y/N who wears her beautiful smile and eyes that are always captivating.

"Send it to me and I'll print it out."

Noel printed it out. He sat on the floor in a meditating position as he holds the picture of Y/N with his both hands and closes his eyes. As he sit there, we feel power emanating from him as he concentrate.

Twenty minutes have passed since he meditate on the floor. Right now, I'm so worried because his expression is like.. How do I put this. He looks like in pain and uncomfortable.

"Kirito, is he okay?" I whispered.

"He's fine." He answered. But I can sense that something is wrong.

Another ten minutes have passed and he opened his eyes.

"This isn't her." The first three words he said after meditating leave us confused and worried. And my anxiety starts to kick in again.

"What do you mean?" Kirito asked, just as confused as I am.

"This picture of this girl, isn't her true appearance in reality."

"But isn't every player's avatar in SAO aren't using their true form like in their reality?" I asked, stating the fact.

"Yes. But our true form in reality versus in virtual reality have resemblances. Only certain parts of our body can be changed. And one of the absolute rules in virtual reality games are to make our avatar look alike our true forms. If we ever want to change one part of the body of our avatar, it still should have a resemblance with our true form in reality, otherwise we won't be allowed to enter the world or the game. And if we change one part of the avatar's body, it still has an aura of the true person. But with Y/N's avatar, there isn't any. Not even her faint aura." Noel explained. (A: I made that rule up. Okay? XD)

"But if that's the case, how did she entered this game?" I asked, getting more worried every minute. I don't feel good about all this information.

"There's one thing I have in mind. She used a certain program to suppress her true form."

"Why would she go that far? This is just a game."

"Maybe for many, but in her case, there's something more to it."

"I don't understand. But why?" I asked them. No. More likely that question is for myself.

I've been with her for a year now and I didn't even notice anything strange about her. Did my love for her got me blinded to see her truth?

"Hmm. I'm not sure. But maybe, to hide? For privacy? To protect herself? Or... I don't know to protect the ones around her?" Noel stated his thoughts about the possible reasons of why Y/N suppressed her true appearance.

"But what kind of program did she use?" Kirito asked.

"Kind of black code. And obviously, it's illicit in SAO." Noel answered.

"Damn! Why, Y/N?!" Kirito hissed. I can feel him getting frustrated as well from this new information about Y/N.

I hold his hand and face him. "Be strong for her. We can do this." I said as I smiled at him.

He sighed heavily but smiled. "Thank you." He whispered.

I turned to Noel again. "Then how she did that?" I asked.

"That I don't have an answer for. It's better if you ask her personally when you see her."

"How will we even see her now? Does this mean all of her identity is a lie? Is her feelings for-" I uttered.

"Wait. I didn't say that's only trick I know. I still have a few tricks up my sleeve so please save your grumbling, beautiful lady." He cut me off and winked at me.

I rolled my eyes, earning a laugh from Noel and Kirito.

"Enough of the flirting, Noel. This girl's heart was taken the day she was born." Kirito said jokingly while he put his hands on my shoulder.

"Kirito!" I blushed and pouted at him.

"Not just beautiful but cute too!" Noel blurted out.

Kirito laughed at this. "So what's our next move?"

"I'll do some coding. We'll track her location." Noel answered.

"Coding? You mean?"

"Yes, let's meet in reality. The only way we can track her is to hack into her account and locate her address."

"You can't do that. We might get in trouble."

"Come on, bro! When did I ever involve you in trouble for doing all of your stupid requests of finding, searching, and locating every object and person?"

"What? Kirito?" I interrupted and turned to Kirito, scrutinizing his expression as to why he would requests to locate and search for 'EVERY PERSON'.

"Damn. You don't have to say it in front of Asuna." Kirito looked away.

"Sorry!" Noel laughed.

"When do we do that?" I asked.

"Right now. Let's log off. Let's meet in reality. I'll chat you the meeting place. I'll see you both in a bit."

"Are you sure about this?"

"Yes. Why wouldn't I?"

"Are you scared to meet the real her?"

"I-I'm just nervous. And... afraid."

"It's okay to be afraid Asuna, but don't let it consume you, otherwise it'll obstruct our goals of meeting her again."

I sighed heavily. "I'll try."

"We'll do our best to see her again." Kirito smiled at me.

"Thank you, Kirito. For always being there for me." (A: But what if along the search for YOU, Asuna catch on feelings for Kirito? XD What a mess that would be! Hahaha!)

"Don't mention it. Let's go." He winked.

I only smiled as we proceed.

Just wait for me, Y/N. Once we find you, I will never let you go ever again.


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