Chapter 3

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397 words

I think Phillip can tell something is wrong. He is constantly asking me what's wrong. I tell him it's ghost stuff. He might understand that I don't want to talk about it eventually. I keep truing to forget what I saw that day, and it kills me. When we get back to the house, Pip has caught me glaring at Hamilton.

"What do you have against daddy? You used look at him like you were okay with his presence. What happened, Bluie?" Pip asks me concerned.

"Nothing you need to worry about, Pip. It's nothing, really." God, I hate lying to Pip, but it's what I have to do. I have to protect Pip. I have to be the father he never had.

"Okay." I can tell he doesn't believe me. "So! Tell me about your life before you died!" Really, Pip? Oh well. Here we go.

"It wasn't that awful. I had two younger sisters named Martha and Mary and two younger brother named James and Henry. And-"

"What about your death?"


"What? Was I not supposed to ask?"

"Do you really think you should ask someone how they died?" I ask, slightly jokingly, but mostly sirius.

"I guess not...?" He says, but it's more of a question than an answer.

"I'll tell you, but just this once, okay?" I say, giving in to the pleading look on his face that looks so much like his fathers'. Oh, God. I gave into a face just like that one so many times. Asking me to be a little less careful with our-STOP, JOHN. HE DOESN'T LOVE YOU. HE'S A CHEATER. You know what, I need to stop before this goes too far.

"So, I fought in the army under George Washington-"

"-Really? So did daddy! Did you know each other?" He interrupts.

I hesitate. Should I tell him? Before my brain approves, my mouth has already said "yeah, we fought together. We bunked together, too."

"Woah! That's so cool! Daddy said he has some friends named Laurens and Lafayette! Which one are you?"

"Woah woah woah there, Pip. I think that's enough story time for today," I laugh. His face falls.

"I'm sorry, Bluie. Did I offend you?" He looks worried.

"Don't worry about that, Pip. And isn't it almost your bedtime?" I try to comfort him.

"Oh yeah! Good night, Bluie!" He pops up.

"Good night, Pip," I smile.


Heeeeeyyyyyyyyyyy, y'all! I'm writing this in science because they're doing a STEM challenge and I really don't wanna do it. So, here I am. I hope you enjoyed this. I'm sorry this one is really short, but that seemed like a good place to end it. My teacher came over and asked me why I wasn't working 😬 but we good now.


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