Chapter 5

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420 words

"What in the hell was that?" Stop over-reacting. "What in the hell were you doing downtown? Don't you know that Burr is gonna run against your family to humiliate me and try to bring us down? I will not let our family be embarrassed like this. I'll grab a pen and paper, let the whole world know! You swing at my family, you better not miss! You better have another punch to throw-"

"Or you could let it go!" She interjects. "Stay alive for me! Let it go!" Ugh, she's such a good wife. Ale-F*CK. Hamilton doesn't deserve her. "Live to fight another day! People will always be critical. They'll make the personal political. They'll try to knock you off your pedestal, your pinnacle, let other people be cynical, let it go!  You're smiling because you know I'm right!" 

Damn, she has a point. 


"And you know if the president were here, he would tell you the same thing."

"No, the president's not here-"

"I heard about Burr." Al-Hamilton and I both jump. Holy sh*t! Was he here the whole time?  "You didn't kill him, did you?" He says with a slight smirk.

"Were you here this whole time?"

"Let it go! Stay alive for me!" He says, completely ignoring him. 

"Let is slide right by!" Eliza says. "You don't have to bring a gun to a knife fight! It's not a case of your money or your life, right?"

"Ya know you really oughta listen to your wife, right?"

"I know..."

"So let it go!" 

I leave them to go check on Burr. I find him in the streets with people cheering around him. 

"Talk less!"


"Smile more!"


"Don't let them know what you're against or what you're for!"


"Shake hands with him!" He shakes a random mans' hand. 


"Charm her!" He kisses the first woman's hand he finds. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome Senator Aaron Burr!"

I can't watch this anymore. Washington and Eliza are still trying to convince Al-Hamilton to calm down. 

"Look around, look around at how lucky you are to be alive right now!"

"Let everybody know you can take a body blow!"

It keeps going on like that for a while. 

"If somebody tries to lay you low," 

"Let it gooooo."

If only. He will never. It's not how his brain works. 

I go to Pips' boarding school. "Hey, Bluie? Are you okay?" I smile. He still calls me that, so many years later. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. Your father is just being short-tempered, like usual."

"He cracks a smile. "Anyway, I need to go find my friends. Bye, Bluie!"

"Bye, Pip."


Hey, thanks for stickin with me through this. I know these chapters are a little shorter than usual. I'm trying to make them longer, but doing it based off the song so much is making it really difficult. I also have like, no creativity today, but I wanted to update do, that's what I'm doing. I love y'all!


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