Chapter 7

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1,064 words! Holy sh*t. How did I do that?

Washington is no longer in office. Our new president is John Adams. I don't think Alexander, f*ck, Hamilton, likes him very much. I mean, who else writes an open letter? It read:

An open letter to the fat, arrogant, anti charismatic, national embarrassment, known as President John Adams. The man's irrational: he claims that I'm in league with Britain and some vast international intrigue. B*tch, please! You wouldn't know what I'm doing! You're always going berserk but you never show up to work! Give my regards to Abigail the next time you write about my lack of moral compass. At least I do my job up in this rumpus! Aw, the line's behind me again. I crossed it again. Aw, the presidents' lost it again. Aw, such a rough life, better run to your wife, yo the boss is in Boston again! Lemme ask you a question. Who sits in your desk while you're in Massachusetts? They called you a d*ck back in '76, and you haven't done anything new since! You're a nuisance with no sense! You will die of irrelevance! Go ahead, call me the devil. You aspire to my level, you inspire to malevolence! Say 'hi' to the Jeffersons and the spies all around me: maybe they can confirm, I don't care if I kill my career with this letter, confining you to one term, you fat motherf*cker!

Basically everyone went into chaos after that. After I read it, I went to see how Thomas Jefferson and James Madison reacted to that.

"Hamilton's out of control!" Jefferson exclaims.

"This is great! He's out of power, he holds no office, and he just destroyed President John Adams, the only other significant member of his party!"

"Hamilton is a host unto himself, as long as he can hold a pen, he's a threat. Let's let him know what we know."

They write to him and invite him over.

He walks in the door.

"Mr. Vice President. Mr. Madison. Senator Burr. What is this?" Hamilton asks.

"We have the check stubs from separate accounts." Jefferson says.

"Almost a thousand dollars paid in different amounts." James continues.

"To a Mister James Reynolds way back in 1791." Burr finishes.

"Is that what you have? Are you done?" Hamilton sounds impatient, or maybe like he's trying to avoid something.

"You are uniquely situated by virtue of your position." says James.

"Though virtue is not a word I'd apply to this situation!" Jefferson sasses.

"To seek finical gain, you stray from the sacred mission."

"And the evidence suggests you engaged in speculation!" Jefferson sounds way too excited about this.

"An immigrant embezzling our government funds." Burr starts.

"I can almost see the headline: your career is done!" Jefferson and James say together.

"I hope you saved some money for your daughter and sons." Burr continues.

"Ya best g'wan run back where ya come from!" Jefferson and James finish.

"Ha! You don't even know what you're asking me to confess."

"Confess." They urge.

"You have nothing, I don't have to tell you anything at all, unless..."

"Unless?" They say, excitedly.

"If I can prove that I never broke the law, do you promise not to tell another soul what you saw?"

"No one else was in the room where it happens," Burr sings under his breath.

"Is that a yes?" Hamilton says impatiently.

"Um," they look at each other. "Yes."

"You don't sound very sure, though," I say. Jefferson glares at me. Yep, he can definitely hear me. Well, f*ck.

"Dear sir, I hope this letter finds you in good health and in a prosperous enough position to put wealth in the pockets of people like me, down on their luck, you see, that was my wife who you decided to-" Burr read.

"-Whaaaaat?" Jefferson said, jumping over to read the letter again.

"She courted me." Way to go, Alexander. Gonna blame it on her, are you? It's you're fault. "Escorted me to bed and when she had me in a corner, that's when Reynolds extorted me." I facepalm. Jefferson looks at me and rolls his eyes. "For a sordid fee, I paid him quarterly. I may have mortally wounded my prospects but my papers are orderly."

"Because that's what's important right now." I say. Jefferson nods his head ever-so-slightly and do that smile.

He grabs some papers. "As you can see, I kept a record of every check in my checking history. Check it again against your list and see consistency. I never spent a cent that wasn't mine! You sent the dogs after my sent, that's fine. Yes, I have reasons to shame!"

"Yes. Yes you do." I say. I see Thomas nodding.

"But I have not committed treason and sullied my good name!"

"You sure about that?"

"As you can see, I have done nothing to to provoke legal action. Are my actions to your satisfaction?"

"My God." Jefferson says after a beat.

"Gentlemen, let's go." James says.

"At least someone in this place has some common sense." I say. Thomas death-glares me. I smile innocently.

"So?" Alex asks impatiently.

"The people won't know what we know." James and Thomas say together after a look.

"Burr!" Alex says, turning to Burr. "How do I know you won't use this against me the next time we go toe to toe?"

"Alexander, rumours only grow. And we both know what we know."

"Alex! Don't be stupid! He never said he wouldn't!"

I go to Thomas. I find him making out with James. (I had to.)

"Thomas!" I say.

"Sh*t. Hey, babe, could you go for a second?" James nodded, confused. "I hope this is important." He snarled.

"Can you tell Alex not to trust Burr?"

"I think he already doesn't trust him."

"Can you try? Please?"

"I- fine. I'll try. But he won't know who I am! It'll be anonymous!"

"Fine! Just do it. Thanks, by the way. This means a lot. Seeing how I can't do anything, because I'm, you know, dead." We share a smile. "Do you happen to know Lafayette?"

"Yeah. Friend of yours?"

"Yeah. We fought in the war together before I, well, died."

"He told me about how you guys were called the 'gay trio.'"

I laugh. "Yeah. Oh, the good times."

"Well, this a nice conversation, but I need to go back to making out with my boyfriend, because we can. Because we're both alive."

"F*ck you!" I laugh.

"Bye!" He laughs

I have no idea how the f*ck I managed to get to over a thousand words. I mean, like, damn. I know this is a little later than usual, but I had moved onto the next chapter and forgotten about this one and panicked when I realised I didn't have a chapter to publish. So that was your very late chapter. Love y'all!

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