~ 𝘍𝘳𝘪𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘴 ~

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Jackson's POV:

I had maths and history with Sophia and Austin. I can't stand that boy he was her first heartbreak and he didn't even say sorry, obviously I was with Sophia while she cried and called herself names. Then I told her he clearly isn't worth it and she finally realised that, even though they got back together.

Anyway after physics I had PE with Mall, Austin and Sophia. They where doing basketball while me and the boys did some running for the upcoming game.

I wasn't focused because most of the time my eyes where on her. I play basketball and I taught her, now the way she played was...Amazing.

I remember the day she came up to me and asked me to teach her she got the hang of it within a few days her first try she sprained her ankle. But instead of making a big deal out of it she just burst out laughing. She does that to cover the pain. I like her for that because its being brave just like she is. 

PE ended and I was with Austin and a few of my friends in the changing room.

"Hey guys did you see Olivia today?" a voice asked behind me "I mean she is gorgeous" Liam. I share physics with him which ends in us messing about and not doing half the work we are supposed to do. 

"Yeah I saw her" said Austin.

" What's the thing with you and her anyway Liam ?" I asked confused.

"n-nothing " he said under his breath.

 "I'm sorry w-what was that ?" I said mimicking him. I chuckled so did Austin.

"Anyway any big plans for Today Jackson ?" Austin asked exaggerating the 'big' he knew I never did so it was his way of teasing me.

" Nope nothing special " I said as I grabbed my bag and left.

I opened the doors to get out of the building and bumped into Olivia. I clenched my jaw.

"Oh hi Jackson" she said looking up at me with her fake a*s smile.

"Bye" I said pushing past her. She was the last person I wanted to talk too.

"Oh and Jackson...you left your trash behind" she sniggered behind me. I instantly knew who she meant. Sophia. I ignored her and got out and walked to my car. I was surprised to see that Mall and Sophia weren't by the car yet because they where usually out before me. I threw my bag in my car and just when I turned around, I saw them. 

"Jackson" Mall yelled at me waving me over. 

She was holding Sophia up who was looking at the floor and whimpering. I already knew something was wrong. I ran up to them and took Sophia's arm over my shoulder keeping her up. I asked Mall what happened and she shook me away. She didn't want to tell me which kinda hurt because she was forgetting who knew Sophia better, it was definitely not her. 

We put Sophia in the car and for the first time I saw her face. Tears were  rolling down her cheeks. I tried to get in the car when Mall grabbed me and pulled me aside.

"What" I asked annoyed.

"Ok Mr Big guy" she said sarcastically "  Look that girl is really worried about you ok ?...SO YOU BETTER AND I MEAN BETTER" she said poking me in the chest. "get yourself together".

"Whatever" I said Irritated. I wanted to get Sophia home and Mall was holding me up. 

" Look Jackson...I know you like her its no secret" she whispered. I looked over quickly at Sophia to make sure she wasn't listening. Once I was sure she didn't hear the conversation I turned to Mall. "I'll take care of her" I said as I strode of to the side of the car. 

The ride was silent and every time she moved around a whimper would escape her mouth. And every time it did I looked at her. She has been hurt way too many times.

𝙏𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙚𝙣𝙙~ 𝘼 𝙅𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙋𝙖𝙨𝙨𝙖𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙖 𝙛𝙖𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙘Where stories live. Discover now