~ 𝘔𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘢𝘭 ~

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Jackson's POV:
I got a call from Mall earlier, she was gonna do a memorial for Sophia. It's meant to be about helping women walk home or just generally walk alone and be safe.

Sophia wasn't and I blame myself. If I had chosen to take her home and then go out with the boys once I knew she was safe nothing would have happened.

Its my fault I keep telling myself as I look over to her bed. I can't take it anymore, I got up and left shoving past everyone on there way.

I banged open the doors to the bathroom and walked in.

I took off my sweater, it was suddenly too hot. I watched my red rimmed eyes in the mirror staring depressingly back at me. I was a mess.

In some ways I was glad Sophia was asleep, she wouldn't have to see me like this. 

Sophia's POV:

I couldn't see Jackson but I heard him the way he shuffled his feet on the tiled floor the way he always knocked before coming in as if I would be able to let him in. The way he got angry every time his attempts failed and the way he cried when he couldn't help me. 

I wanted so, so, so badly to go to him hug him and comfort him but all I could do was listen. If and when I wake up I don't think I'll ever forget that feeling of not being able to do anything of being...helpless. 

Jackson's POV:
Once I gathered myself I got out the bathroom and walked back down the corridor to Sophia's room. 

Before I went in I knocked a habit I got into. I knock as if she can tell me to come in, but I never get an answer.

Mall's memorial would begin at 16 (4) I had less than an hour to get there and to make myself somewhat presentable. 

*Later on *

I drove up to the square where I saw Mall gathered around some of her friends. I looked at the lampposts all covered in pictures of Sophia. I chuckled as I heard her voice inside my head, she would have hated it here. 

I got out and Mall was by me within seconds.

"how is she ?" she asked staring up at me with a worried look on her face.

"same as always" I sighed shutting the car door.

"so...uh how are you ?" she asked with a hint of hesitance in her voice.

"what do you think Mall ?" I mumbled. "my girlfriends in a coma and she's been out nearly a month now...so what do you think ?" 

"I get it I-" I cut her off.

"do you though ?" I asked walking away.

I walked over to some of my friends, they all gave me sympathetic looks and I clenched my jaw, Austin was standing in the group too.

"hey big guy" he said as he clapped me on the back. 

I shuffled away. "hey"

"how are ya" he asked giving me his best smile he could do.

"fine" I said smiling fakelly back.

"oh-" he was cut off by the sound of Malls voice on a big speaker. She talked for about 30 minutes about her friendship with Sophia and then as she finished Olivia walked up on the stage. 

"Hello everyone, you may know me as Olivia or Livia, " she said smiling brightly flicking her hair away. " I knew Sophia very well....she was my best friend...and I would just like to say that-" I muted her voice as my phone began to buzz. 

"hello ?" 

"Hi am I speaking to Mr Passaglia ?" the caller asked me.

"yes" I replied with annoyance.

"we need you back at the hospital...uh somethings happened" he said as I heard the clancking of a keyboard in the distance.

"yeah, yeah sure I'm on my way" I said as I ran up to my car.

Sophia's POV:
I'd been having flashbacks like times with family and when I was younger ever since I got put in a coma. Its better that way because I have something to do whilst I listen to the voices of everyone crying over me.

There's been this one in particular memory that keeps on playing but somehow never finishes. Its me and Jackson playing in the pool I walk up to the ladder to take a jump but I never jump I just stand there.

But  today I jumped and just as my face collided with the water my eyes opened.

I began to breath sharply, my eyes moving around my surrounding all too quickly. Then the rapid beep of a machine and 3 doctors or nurses running over to my bed asking me questions and talking to me.

𝙏𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙚𝙣𝙙~ 𝘼 𝙅𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙋𝙖𝙨𝙨𝙖𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙖 𝙛𝙖𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙘Where stories live. Discover now