~ 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘸𝘴𝘱𝘢𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴 ~

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Jackson's POV:
Sophia's accident had reached New York. It was the top of the talk and there where newspapers...everywhere.

I knew that in Oregon Sophia was hurt. If I had seen the newspapers so would she. I decided to call her.

Phone Call:


J: You alright there Jaydon ?

S: I guess

J:hard to believe baby

S:*laughs* so its baby now huh ?

J: to you it is *chuckle*

S: OK, OK its so bad you have no idea....I hate it here

J:there she is

S: I wish you where here...*sigh*

J: me too

J:hey so hows the therapist ?

S:*hesitates* -he's very cute and I think hes already hitting on me- (in her mind)
uh yea he's fine, not what I expected.

J: Oh it's a he huh ?

S: sure is 

J: anyway...ill  be back in 2 weeks once I sort some stuff out with Ni- I mean-


J: UH ... Oh um my postmates are here gotta go bye i love you

S:love y-

*end of call*

Sophia's POV:
"-you too" I whispered as I threw the phone down. 

NICKIE ?!! REALLY???? inside my mind, I was screaming but on the outside I was peacefully staring at the tv screen in front of me. 

My worry cost me a whole hour, by the time I was done contemplating scenarios and, and breakups It was dark outside no more than the shine of a nearby lamp escaping through my window blinds.

I decided to go get washed because it was about time. I grabbed a change of clothes and carefully slipped out into the room. The floor was cold. I quickly but carefully walked over to the bathroom and this time locked the door behind me. 

Once I was done, my hair wet and my bath robe on I unlocked the door and stepped out, only to jump at the sight of Clay sitting on my bed.

Jackson's POV:
I ended the call soon after and I knew she was already starting to think me and Nickie would do something we would, I mean I , would regret after.

But I wasn't lying about my postmates though. I had ordered a simple chinese, some noodles and chicken.

I ate quickly, I was stressing about everything, this he therapist and most importantly the Newspapers. Sophia will most definitely be broken, some people decided to comment on the incident by saying "why didn't she scream ?" "she was wearing a short dress, she was asking for it!" the first time I saw it I accidentally punched a wall...yep...but it wasn't broken so all good.

Anyway I was going back to Oregon soon and then maybe this would all be over but I wouldn't have been able to help Sophia through it. Maybe I'd go home a week early ??? surprise her ??

Sophia's POV:

"OMG you scared me clayton!" I yell whispered (don't know if that's a thing but hey-ho).

He laughed in response "not funny !" I grumbled as I finally walked over to him.

But just inches away as I turned my head and back too quickly I became dizzy and next thing I know I'm getting stabbed, my mouth is open to scream but I can't.

Jackson's POV:

I was just finishing up my essay when I got a call from Mom. She called regularly so I wasn't worried about anything, I picked up the phone breezily. (HIS MOMS NAME IS ALICE, FOR THE BOOK)

Phone call:
J:hey Mom

A: Hey Jackson, honey you need to come home...be here for Sophia she needs you the most right now...

J: oh what, what happened ?

A:She had another episode and this time it was bad, she was screaming and they couldn't wake her up so they gave her a shot and she's been out cold... She'll wake up tomorrow morning so no point calling, hun.

J: oh my god Mom ! Why did they give her a shot ?!

A: she was screaming and they couldn't wake her up, what would you have done ?

J: I guess your right Mom *sighs* I'll be there tomorrow evening surprise her or something.

A: alright, take care by-

J: wait can you make sure she doesn't read the newspapers ?

A: sure, bye darling.

J:bye Mom.

𝙏𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙚𝙣𝙙~ 𝘼 𝙅𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙋𝙖𝙨𝙨𝙖𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙖 𝙛𝙖𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙘Where stories live. Discover now