~𝘊𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘵 𝘥𝘢𝘺𝘴 pt.4 ~

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(the last court days part I promise)

Sophia's POV:

I heard behind me as the guards ushered everyone out of the room. My lawyer stood up and signalled me to do the same. 

"After the break there going to bring out your attackers.." she whispered.

"Oh" is all that I could say taking in the information.

"You need to be here..." she said as if reading my mind "but your going to be safe" she added reassuring me.

"I know, I know" I said looking up at where each guard was stood in the room.

"Shall we ?" She asked motioning out of the room.

I nodded as I began to walk over to the huge doors. 

I began to walk towards Jackson when I heard my name being called, I turned to face my lawyer "We have to go talk over some things with the judge" she said.

I turned around back to Jackson "sorry" I whispered. He winked back, I smiled and walked on.

"Come on" she said as she placed her hand on my back and walked me over to the next set of doors. 

I was unfamiliar with the touch of a stranger and I wanted to brush her away but after all that she had done for me I couldn't do it. So instead I clenched my jaw and focused on the next minutes to come.

The judge had told me that the men would be sent in for the remaining 3 hours of the hearing. He talked me through the plan of the 3 hours first the lawyers will recap and then my attackers and after that the jury and judge will determine there sentence and I'm free to go.

"Let's do this" I said finally looking up at the people sat around and before me.

I saw as they all smiled in agreement. Each standing up. We all took turns shaking hands and finally walked out one after the other.

We entered the huge doors. I looked ahead of me not looking anyone in the eyes, afraid of the contact , knowing not everyone here agreed with my story.

I stood behind my lawyers and my small little desk awaiting to be seated. I looked once more over at my lawyer. She smiled knowing how this is going to go. She whispered all the details again slowly making sure I understood everything. 

The judge was talking in a quiet tone with the guards making sure that I am safe. Then with the signalisation of the judges hands we sat down.  

"Let's begin"

Seconds later the guards walked over surrounding 2 people in orange jumpsuits. 

My hands began to shake. The 2 people where soon made to stand at the other side of the room, far away from me. I wanted to look over at them but I was frozen. My leg began to bounce up and down, I tried closing my eyes hoping that when I open them this would have all been a bad dream but it wasn't it was real. All real. 

I needed Jackson.

I turned around and scanned the room for Jackson. I soon found him sat smiling at me.

I smiled tears starting to form in my eyes. "It's ok" he mouthed smiling reassuringly. I nodded. I was ready to turn back around when I realised the people standing on both sides and around Jackson.

I felt as a tear rolled down my cheek. Emotion had taken over me.

Everyone I loved, everyone I cared for and everyone who cared about me where sat all smiling and waving at me. Mal, Isabella, Jackson's mum, Jackson's dad and all my friends. But most importantly I saw my mum standing at the sides smiling at me her eyes glistening with tears .

She wasn't really there it was just my imagination but she was there in spirit form. My hand went around my mouth to quieten the escaped sobs as I realised I was loved and cared for. I felt as my lawyers hand tapped my shoulder again. It was time. I looked over at everyone one last time and smiled.

 I turned back around ready to face my demons.

"Sophia please stand" the judge said.

I stood up , my eyes still fixed on the floor. 

"What happened to you ? Please describe the events like we talked about" he told me.

"I was attacked, I was forced on to the ground and stabbed" I stated, a certain confidence taking over me.

"Yes we understand but is there anything you want them to know?" the judge asked pointing at the men.

I looked down.

"yes " I replied. "what came over you?? Was it the fact that I was alone? Or was it the fact that I was in a dress? Or maybe it was the fact that that exact day I had fought all my demons? What was it?" I was now yelling at them. "why did you do it?" I screamed. "you seemed so eager to talk when it was just the 3 of us, so speak".


Too loud.


No one spoke, not even the judge to tell me to quieten down. Not even my lawyer to tell me I had said too much.

I didn't dare to look around, I feared reactions to my words wouldn't be so accepted.

So I turned to face him and only him. His small nod was all I needed to know to continue.

"what was it?" I asked again.

Neither spoke.

"what had I ever done to any of you to deserve to have all my strength taken away from me in one night? what had I ever done to become so unsafe? ... You know everyday I wake up with the same fear the fear you'll be out there again. Everyday. And I'm tired everyday too. So, so tired. Tired of feeling unsafe, tired of thinking you'll jump out my closet every damn waking second. I'm tired. No one deserves what you did to me. I hope both of you know that as of today you are nothing." 


"thats all" I said sitting back down.

"thank you for that, not everyone is as brave as you" the judge spoke.

"that was great" my lawyer said to me in a whisper.

"I tried" I laughed.

I turned around to face Jackson. But as I scanned through the crowd I  got nothing but sympathy from everyone. No one was here to hate me. When I finally came upon Jackson I smiled. Of course he smiled back. I watched him mouth the words "I love you". A single tear rolled down my cheek and finally stopped as it collapsed on my dress. Don't get me wrong these tears where all happiness. "I love you too" I mouthed back. I watched him take it all in grinning from ear to ear. And at that moment I realised I was in love with this man and no other. It was this man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. It was this man I wanted my children to meet. It was this man I wanted to die next too. This man.

Jackson's POV:
She said she loved me back and I couldn't stop the smile drawing its way on my face. At that exact moment I knew it was her I loved and no other. At that moment I knew it was her I wanted to spend eternity with and forever after. Her.

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