~ 𝘜𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘭 𝘸𝘦 𝘮𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯 ~

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Sophia's POV: 

I had to leave at 15 to make it for my flight at 17. I would  get to London at 05 am. I knew I would sleep on the plane because If I didn't I would be tired and stupid. It was currently 13 and I'd soon be on my plane off to my dreams. 

I walked around my room trying to think through what to do what to get my head around. It was allot to take in. In a few hours I would be saying good bye to 17 years of my life, my mom, her annoying boyfriend and my life source...Jackson. I continued to pace up and down my room. Then I figured I needed to get some fresh air so I took a stroll to the Lake. It was sunny outside today and I was dressed in a oversized shirt and jeans. 

 I walked slowly taking the music of the birds hum and the shuffle of the trees in to my mind

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 I walked slowly taking the music of the birds hum and the shuffle of the trees in to my mind.

The lake was quiet and I sat down at the waters edge. I sat there looking around my surrounding. 


I had been sitting there for an hour when my mom texted for me to get back to the house because we where going to be leaving soon.  

(play song)

I took one last look and left. 

The walk back was sad it was the last time I would be walking through those streets and roads. 

I finally got to the house to see everyone standing around the car by everyone I mean: My mom, Todd, Jackson's Mom, Jackson's Dad, Isabelle and Jackson. Just looking at them all made me sad It was the last time it would be all of us together. 

"There she is !" was the first thing I heard before I was embraced into a hug from Jackson's mom.  I chuckled. I waited till they all got into a conversation before I ran back into the house to take one last look at my room. Everything was so still, so normal bare as if I hadn't been there. All traces of me wiped out. 

I walked around the room and stared. I touched the surfaces of my cupboard and paintings on my wall. I got up to my desk and lifted up the picture of me and Jackson. We where so happy so carefree. And for one second I wished we would be 10 again. I held the picture tightly as I began to cry. I knew I would miss him and I knew it was gonna hurt more. I dried my eyes and got out my phone it was 14:40 time to go. I placed the picture back down, walked to the end of my room took one last look before the door closed. 

I trudged down the stairs looking around me holding back tears. Everyone was already outside waiting for me.  

"Hi " I said as finally I gave in I couldn't stop the tears but I wasn't the only one crying.

First it was Isabelle. She came up to me and hugged me. "promise to stay safe?" she asked her voice wobbling. "I promise" I sniffed back.

Then it was Jackson's Dad. "good luck soldier" he smiled as he shook my hand.

Todd was next "do us proud!" he said cheerfully as we hugged. 

Jackson's Mom was already hugging me before Todd even let go. "Remember to call your aunt ok?...we'll all miss you so much" she whispered as she squeezed me tighter. 

My mom was in a fit of crying. "my baby so grown up " she said as she plotted a kiss on my forehead. She held my shoulders and looked me in the eyes "we will always be here ". I started to cry as she held me tightly. After all she was my mom the reason I am where I am. We hugged for ages until finally she let go before giving me another quick kiss. 

Jackson was already sitting in the car waiting for me. I waved one last goodbye and managed to say goodbye as I got in the car...


"this is it then" Jackson sighed looking down at his feet.

"I guess it is" I sighed holding his hand tightly.

"Promise me, you'll call everyday and every night no matter what " I sobbed as I hugged him. He held me and I felt his heartbeat. 

"I promise" his voice was wobbling and I knew he was fighting back the tears.

He looked up at the sky hoping that one tear wouldn't fall but it did. I whipped it away with my sleeve and cupped his cheeks in my hands.

"Jackson you are my bestfriend, my love and my life source...I love you" I whispered. Then we  where interrupted by my last flight call. 

"I love you" I cried as I hugged him one last time before I grabbed my suitcase my bag and walked towards my gate. Once I was past the gate I couldn't resist to call him one last time.

I waited as he picked up.

"I have a problem...I'm gonna miss you" I cried as I looked over at him. He looked down. 

"I'll miss you too" he chuckled.

𝙏𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙚𝙣𝙙~ 𝘼 𝙅𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙋𝙖𝙨𝙨𝙖𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙖 𝙛𝙖𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙘Where stories live. Discover now