An Important Question

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Tomorrow was Christmas day and so the entire North Palace was noisy and filled with panic since North has to get things ready. Jack was picking up on the recent vibe and Pitch has noticed Jack was starting to stress out a little. He tried to comfort Jack by offering him distractions, but for some reason the amount of noise and stress in the air gave Jack anxiety.

He tried not to show it, but Pitch knew it was there. Jack has been walking around, though avoiding the bigger areas just incase someone bumps him wrongly. Pitch kept a close eye on him as well as Onix.

  Pitch wanted to do something special but he hasn't found the right time to ask Jack since everything has been so out of sorts lately. He's hoping since it's Christmas Eve, he can do what he planned.

  Making his way over to Jack, he snatched his hand. Jack looked over at him with concern in his eyes. "Yes?" He asked.

  Pitch sucked in a breath, holding Jack's hand close to his chest. "Its Christmas Eve. Do you want to go somewhere with me tonight?" He asks.

  Jack felt a weight lift from him. Pitch could see it physically on his face. "Is it a surprise?" He asks.

  Pitch nodded. "The best kind." Jack felt a flutter in his stomach, and knew it wasn't just the kids.

  "I will! When do we leave?" He asks.

  "Get dressed. We can leave in about an hour." He says.

  Jack excitedly jumped with Wind and made his way to the room. Pitch went to get dressed as well, wearing a black buttoned up shirt that was opened 3 buttons down on his chest with black jeans and black Converse. He put on a  black blazer before waiting impatiently for Jack. He's been planning this special day for a hot minute and now he was able to do it.

  After about 30 minutes, Jack appeared with a blue oversized sweater that hung on his belly. He wore dark blue jeans with his feet exposed and a beanie over his hair. His smile grew when he saw Pitch.

  "Wow, now I feel underdressed next to you." Jack says sheepishly.

  Pitch shook his head, walking over to Jack, he moved Jack's bangs to the side slightly, bending down to kiss his forehead. "You look amazing."

  Jack snorted. "Kiss ass." He teased, punching Pitch lightly in the stomach.

  Pitch cleared his throat. "Alright. I want you to close your eyes for me." Pitch says.

  Jack rolled his eyes, before closing his eyes, grabbing blindly for Pitch's hands. Pitch took his hand and used his sand to cover them. Immediately they appeared at the one place he wanted. Jack could hear the sounds of waves hitting the shore and his smile grew.

  Pitch let go of Jack and stepped back into position. "Open your eyes." He says.

  Jack slowly opened his eyes. He was met with Pitch on one knee with the full moon behind them, the waves slowly licking at the shore of the beach. Jack in his state immediately got emotional. He looked down at Pitch, noticing a small ring in the box. The band was gold lined with many black diamonds and one white one. Jack brought a hand up to his mouth.

  "I've been pondering when would be the right time. Since we couldn't do it in our human lives and considering we have children on the way, I think now is a good time." His voice shook slightly as he raised the box. "Jackson Overland Frost. Will you be my partner for as long as we are in this world, even as spirits."

  Jack laughed, cried, and couldn't seem to come up with a clever saying. He was overjoyed. "I... yes, Pitchnier. I will."

  Pitch shook, getting to his feet fast and quickly snatching Jack's lips who was still sobbing where he stood. Pitch pulled back, grabbing the ring from the blue box and grabbing Jack's hand, putting it on.

  "You got me a ring. I see it only fair to provide my loving partner with one of his own. We may have started off wrong, but we pulled closer again." Pitch says.

  Jack wiped at the tears on his face. "I... I dont deserve you." He says. "I... love you!" Jack kissed him and Pitch obliged.

  As they clung, Pitch felt a bump to his stomach, pulling back he looked down at Jack's stomach. Going into a squatting position, he placed his hands on Jack's belly. "Someone's jealous."

  Jack chuckled through the happy tears, placing his hands on Pitch's cheeks. "No. They're happy."

  Pitch placed his forehead on Jack's belly, smiling. "I know. I am as well."

  The moment was perfect. Everything Pitch hoped for and Jack loved. They spent the rest of the night, sitting in the sand, cuddling up together enjoying the alone time. No Bunny or tooth, nor the random bangs around the room. Just Jack, Pitch and their children, sitting on the beach.

  They shared happy, sad and embarrassing moments with eachother, but this was forever going to be Jack's favorite day. Christmas Eve, the night he became Pitch's partner. His husband.

  With the sun coming up, Jack and Pitch make it back to the North Palace. Upon returning, before they could share the good news, Jack felt a small ache against his thumping heart and a cramp in his stomach. He groaned, but figured it was just the excitement.

  "There you guys are. We were starting to worry." Tooth says.

  Jack waddled forward. "It was for a good reason." Jack threw his hand forward, showing off his ring. "We decided to make it official."

  Tooth shot forward and grabbed Jack's hand, examining the ring. She squealed,  grabbing both Jack and Pitch's necks, bringing them in for a hug. Pitch was severely uncomfortable but accepted the hug.

  North was next to congratulate them just as Sandy and Bunny walked in. Bunny lifted a brow at the happy look on their faces. "What did we miss?"

  Tooth spoke for them. "They finally tied the knot!"

  Bunny lifted a brow, caught off guard. Sandy lifted two thumbs up, nodding happily. Bunny couldn't seem to fathom what was said.

  Jack felt the pain in his stomach and heart once again, flinching. He grabbed his chest groaning.

  Pitch noticed it, stepping forward. "Whats wrong, Love?"

  The pain disappeared just as fast, straightening out. "I... there was a small pain in my heart and stomach, but it's gone now."

  Tooth nodded. "It wouldn't surprise me. You are due in about a week or so. You should go rest up." She urges.

  Jack nods, with the help of Pitch, retired for the night. Boy were they in for a night.

A/N: hope you guys enjoy this update ^-^

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