Somethings Off

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*A Couple Weeks Later*

With Jack and Pitch undisturbed by the Guardians, they have had time to really solidify their relationship. Sneaking into movie theaters to cuddle, going on picnics and cuddling under the stars. Jack has really loved this time together, he couldnt ask for anymore than this. Pitch has shown a whole new side Jack didnt even know was there.

With them spending so much time together, Pitch has really changed a lot. The Pitch Jack remembered from only a few months ago, the revenge seeking man, was no longer there. Jack couldn't be happier.

Currently, Jack was washing clothes in the lake while Pitch was making dinner. Onix was leaning in close to Jacks thigh as he was washing the last of the sweaters he owned.

Jack looked over at the house, seeing Pitch in the window, concentrating on dinner, causing a nice smile to appear on Jack's face. "Hes quite a catch, isn't he, Onix?" Jack whispered, wiggling his eyebrows at Onix who only rolled her eyes in response.

Jack chuckled, getting up from being in that position for so long. He turned around, hanging the last on the clothes up. He put his hands on his hips happily. Finally he was done with the last of his chores. No wonder Pitch tells him to get it done everyday instead of waiting for the last day of the week. Its easier to maintain rather than suffering a full day of chores on the last day.

Jack grabbed the supplies, walking back to the house. He stopped at the newly built shed they created, dropping his supplies off before making his way into the house.

"All done?" Asks Pitch, whisking something in a bowl.

Jack nodded, walking over, he hovered with Winds help, wrapping his hands around Pitch's waist, resting his chin on Pitch's shoulder. "Yup. It was an ordeal to get those clothes clean." He complained.

Pitch smirked, turning his head he kissed Jack on the cheek. "At least they are done. Dinner is nearing completion. I have a few more things to do before its done." He explained.

Jack unhooked his hands, landing on his feet he walked over to the couch, getting a weird dizzy spell right after plopping down. He shook his head, knitting his eyebrows. Hes only ever felt that way when his staff was broken. What was that feeling? Was he reading to much into it?

"Everything okay?" Asks Pitch.

Jack cleared his throat, nodding his head. "Yeah, I'm just pooped out." He says.

Pitch nodded, putting whatever he was whisking into a skillet pan and into the oven. Jack lied down, rubbing his eyeballs.

"What do you want to do after dinner?" Jack asks, turning his head to Pitch.

Pitch put the dishes in the sink, walking over to him. He plopped on the couch, practically smothering Jack. "Why not a nightly swim?" He asks, wrapping his arms around Jack.

Jack chuckled, intertwining his hand with Pitch's. "That sounds delightful." Jack sighed, getting an overwhelming urge to fall asleep. It practically overpowered him and before he knew it, Jack was asleep.

Pitch chukled, getting up off the couch and placing a throw blanket on top of Jack, going back to continue cooking dinner.

Once dinner was completely done, which took much longer than Pitch had anticipated, he walked over to wake Jack up. When Jack awoke, his head pounded, another new symptom he's never had.

"Dinner is done, Jack." Pitch says.

Jack shoved it back getting up from the couch, making his way to the table where a bowl of homemade beef chili and cornbread sat. The smell brought him back to his childhood and Pitch could see it in Jacks face.

"My mother used to make this." Jack said, scooting into the stool.

Pitch nodded. "I remember. It was one of my favorite meals your mother used to make." He explained.

Jack shoveled the first spoonful into his mouth, moaning at the delightful taste. He blushed when Pitch was smirking. "Ignore that."

"I can't. It was too hot to ignore." Pitch jokes.

Jack rolled his eyes, continuing to spoon the chili into his mouth. Once he was done he went back for seconds. Pitch found this comforting that Jack was enjoying his cooking this much.

"After dinner, let's rest for a moment before we go on a swim. Tomorrow we go into town for a few things." He explained, finishing his first bowl right as Jack finished his second.

"What do we need?" Jack asks.

"Food, supplies, maybe a few things in particular." He smiled, lifting his eyebrow in a rhythmic pattern.

Jack blushed bright red when he realized what Pitch was talking about. His stomach did flips thinking about the first night on the island they eloped. It made Pitch laugh even harder seeing Jack stumped like a deer in the headlights.

"Uhm... o... okay." Jack cleared his throat. "Im uh... i ... im going to head up to the uhm... room for a minute." Jack said, quickly jumping off the table, ignoring the small dizzy spell and rushing to the bed. Once in the room he threw himself on the bed, burrying his face embarrassingly into the pillow.

A few beats passed and Jack felt the bed dip, as a hand ran up under his shirt and caressed the bare skin of his back. Jack turned his head, seeing Pitch lying next to him with a small smile. "I didnt mean to embarrass you in such a manor. I apologize." He says.

Jack sighed. "No I apologize. I was taken by surprise with what you said." Jack turned so that he was facing Pitch. "I want to do those things with you, but I want it to be special. This weekend, we are having a special day. I bet we can fit it in." Jack smiled, catching Pitch's hand.

Pitch smiled. "Works for me." He bent down, kissing Jack on the forehead.

Jack looked down at the ring on Pitch's finger, smiling at the look of it. He brought Pitch's hand up and kissed it softly, catching Pitch's eye.

Pitch got out of bed, still holding Jacks hand. Jack scooted out of bed as well. "Come on. The sun is down, let's go swimming." He says.

Jack nodded, following Pitch outside. When he hit the moonlight, he felt a tightness in his chest that caused a dizzy spell to come on. This one hit full force and Jack had to sit down where he stood, confusing Pitch who bent down right as Jack did.

"Are you okay, Love?" He asks, running his hand through Jacks hair.

Jack cleared his throat, nodding. "Yeah. Its just dizzy spells. They seem to pop up at random times." He explained.

"Do you want to skip swimming and go to bed?" Pitch asked.

Jack gulped, looking at the still lake. He wanted to go swimming but he was afraid if he did, a dizzy spell would cause some disorientation and could lead to something bad. Jack sighed. "Yeah. Once the dizzy spells pass we can come back out." He said.

Pitch nodded, helping Jsck up from his sitting position. He guided Jack back into the house, helping him to the bed. Once Jack was at his bed, he got the same urge as earlier. To sleep.

Whatever was going on with him today, Jack didn't like it. He felt odd. He just hopes what Bunny said isn't coming true. Not doing his guardian duties could have consequences.

Shaking that thought from his mind, he immediately turned over and fell asleep with Pitch by his side.

A/U: Sorry for the long delay >~< I've been so busy with work and whatnot! I hope you enjoy!! Again I'm soooooooooooo sorry;^;

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