A Home To Call Their Own

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In the night, Jack and Pitch were laying on the grass, under the stars. The moon not out since it was a new moon. Pitch was awake, running his fingers through Jack's hair as Jack was lying beside him, his head on Pitch's chest. Jack was asleep, he fell asleep almost immediately, but Pitch couldn't sleep.

His mind was flooding with thoughts on what has happened, but the one that stuck the most was the kiss earlier. It made him smile knowing he was able to kiss Jack again. No matter if he moved on with a woman, he couldn't get Jack out of his head and it made him angry he couldn't detect Jack frost was actually Jackson Overland.

Pitch let out a sigh, shifting his head to look at Jack. He was sleeping peacefully, his hand resting on Pitch's chest. Right where his heart is. Pitch looked back up at the sky, feeling at ease with his life now. With the soft snores of Jack and the beautiful stars, he hadnt realized he fell asleep.

When morning came, Pitch woke up to see Jack was no longer next to him. A bit panicked he shot up, looked around to spot Jack next to the lake, poking fish with a broke branch. Pitch sighed a relief, standing up.

"You know Fish have feelings too, Jack." He said, making his way over to Jack's side.

Jack looked up, putting an innocent face on. "Well they should have thought of that before teasing me." Jack joked, standing up and stretching. "So what's on the agenda today?" Jack asked.

Pitch turned towards the clearing, smiling. "We build our house." He said, walking over to the space. Jack joined him.

"And how did you want to do it?" Jack asked.

Pitch used his Knightmare sand and in one motion, he made a structure out of his sand. To Jack it looked like a two story log cabin like the one he used to live in as a human. Jack couldnt help but let a smile escape him.

"Its like the one we lived in." Jack spoke sadly. The sand was the base, it had a roof with a patio coming off of it, it looked like it held one stair case and a master bedroom on the second floor. Of course the sand was just the layout, his ice and sand mixed would most likely be the main thing they needed.

Pitch glanced over at Jack, seeing he looked almost ready to cry. Pitch couldnt tell if it was good or bad. "Do you like it?" Pitch asked.

Jack let a small laugh escape him as he nodded. "I love it. It's the perfect layout." Jack says.

Pitch decided to go ahead and harden the sand into glass. With the structure now in place, he turned to Jack and pointed at the structure. "Your turn." He explained.

Jack smiled and went to grab his staff, but reality decided to bite him. He sighed. "I... cant." He turned to Pitch, showing his hands. "I dont have my staff."

Pitch nodded in understanding. "Where do you think it is?" Pitch asked.

Jack thought for a moment, before smiling. "With the Guardians, but I know exactly where they put it. If you can teleport me there and back. I can grab it." Jack said.

Pitch was hesitant. The Guardians was a bad move. But he knew by Jack's face he was confident he could get in and out without detection. Pitch sighed.

"If you promise me you will be in and out." Pitch explained.

Jack nodded. "Of course. If you need you can send Onix with me." Jack explained.

Pitch smirked. "I dont think that will be necessary." Taking the initiative, he stepped forward and planted a small kiss on Jack's lips. Jack blushed. "I trust you. When you have your staff, crush this." Pitch explained handing him a hardened piece of black glass.

Jack nodded, watching the sand cover his body. In a second his body appeared at the pole. It had been a minute since hes been here and it felt weird being in here. Jack shook the feeling from his mind and quickly shot forward, clinging close to the wall. Looking around he spotted the room he needed. North told him if he ever lost his staff that he would keep it safe in a closet in his office. Jack kept close to the wall, making his way to the office.

Once next to it he placed an ear to the door, listening to make sure no ones was inside. When he was confident no one was, he gripped the door and slowly opened it. The office was dark and empty which Jack preferred. He stepped into the room, walking over to the locked closet. He bit his lip hesitatnly, knowing once he broke this, anyone that was in the pole would be alerted and he needed to get out fast. Reaching for the lock, he heard voices outside, getting closer. Cursing, he ran to the bed, quickly ducking and rolling under the bed. He heard the door open all the way.

"North it's not that place. We checked." Bunny said.

"Wherever Pitch has him, it's a place only he knows." Tooth explained. "Poor Jack. Who knows what hes going through."

Jack felt a guilty pit in his stomach, hearing their concern for him. He also felt anger at their lack of confidence in Pitch being anything but a hellbent Boogeyman looking for revenge. He was at first, but if anything, he was just in pain.

"Where is next place?" North asked.

"We dont know yet, but we will in a moment. Do you have what you came for?" Tooth asked.

Jack heard shuffling papers, before North cheered. "Got it!" He shouted. "Shall we?" North asked.

Jack heard them retreat out of the office, hearing the door close. Waiting a few more beats, he rolled out from under the bed and quickly shot up. He ran to the closet, grabbing the lock he used his small amount of power he could use without his staff to freeze the lock. Looking at the door he quickly broke the lock, hearing it shatter and a loud thud hit the floor. Jack quickly opened it, seeing his staff.

His body filled with relief as he grabbed it, feeling the power surge through him. He heard footsteps running back to the office. Quickly he grabbed the glass and shattered it on the ground.

Immediately sand came out from the ground and started slithering around him. When he looked up he saw the door open up before he was engulfed in darkness and appeared in front of Pitch. Pitch quickly ran over to him. Looking him over.

"You took a long time. I was starting to get a bit worried." Pitch explained.

Jack sighed. "It was a close call. I had to hide under the bed because they entered the office. But hey," he twirled his staff. "I got my staff." Jack explained.

Pitch smirked. "Well that's all that matters." He turned to the house. "How should we do it?"

Jack got an idea and grabbed Pitches hand, placing it on his staff. "Use your power." He explained.

Pitch did as instructed and Jack used his. When he shot a test run, what they were met with was beautiful. It was his Ice but it had strands of black and purple glass mixed in with it. Pitch was excited. Seeing just how amazing their powers worked together made him overjoyed.

"Now that will make a beautiful house." Jack said.

Pitch nodded. "Shall we?"

Jack pointed his staff and they got to work.

They spent the rest of the day designing A House of their own. One to call theirs and with it being mixed with their powers, it was everything they could hope for. When it was done, they stood back admiring it. The bottom was more of Jack's colors but the higher up it went the darker it got.

"Its beautiful." Jack said, placing his head on Pitchs shoulder.

Pitch side eyed him, putting his own small smile on. For the first time in centuries, Pitch finally found and person to call home. No more lonely nights. No more pain. He just hopes this moment lasts forever.

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