Jack's Odd Company

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*The Next Day*

  Jack looked down at his burnt hands in defeat. All night he was trying to escape, but everytime he did, he would only end up burning his hands even more. Jack was starting to give up, sitting defeatedly on his knees. He sighed and leaned his head against the wall, looking up and through the small window. The sky was an orange mixed with dark baby blue, signaling it to be early morning.

  Jack heard a small thud in front of him, glancing up he saw it was a baby horse made of Nightmare sand, wobbling where it stood. Jack smiled, shooting forward to help her. "Hey, hey, take it easy." Jack said, steadying the poor horse. The nightmare looked up, its yellow eyes piercing through Jack's soul.

  "How did you even get in here?" Jack asked, sitting down once again, petting the horse who Winnied.

  The horse nodded towards the small window on the cell door, that had been open from his last encounter with Pitch. Jack snorted. "Sneaking into the Prisoners holds? Such a naughty horse." Jack snickered when the horse snuggled into his leg, sitting down.

  "Hmm.. despite Pitch's hatred for me, you don't share that. You are different.... hm... Onix. I think I will call you Onix." Jack said and the Nightmare Winnied in Response to that, falling asleep by his leg. Jack felt a smile on his lips, happy to finally have company, even if it was one of Pitch's pets.

  Pitch. That name made Jack both sad and angry at the same time. Angry because Pitch doesn't know that Jack is Jackson Overland, and sad because Jack knows he is Jackson Overland. The thought of being locked up with Pitch made him both happy yet terrified.

  Why happy? Because he would never admit this to anyone, but he missed Kozmotis' company. Even if Pitch wasnt the one he left behind, he was still Kozmotis in a way. But he was terrified that Pitch would never remember Jack or if he did if Pitch would reject him.

  He looked down at the Horse, still snuggled into his leg and sighed. "I wonder what Kozmotis did after I died." Jack wondered, taking a big breath before leaning back against the wall.

  The horse shot up at the sudden movement and sent a glare at Jack. Jack raised his eyebrow at the horse, a smirk finding its way on his lips.

  "What? Like a glare is gonna hurt me." Jack said to Onix.

  Onix huffed and glared at him harsher, making Jack chuckle. "Okay, Okay! Im sorry I upset you. I won't move again." Jack said, raising his hands in the air as if to surrender.

  Onix nodded as if to say 'damn right you won't' and she snuggled back into Jack's leg. Jack just rolled his eyes and lied back on the stone wall, his eyes starting to grow heavy as he fell into a deep sleep, finally finding time to rest.


  Tooth arrived after delivering her fairies to collect teeth, to see that everyone was here except the person she wanted to talk to. Sighing she flew over to the table and sat down.

  "Still no word from him?" Tooth asked.

  "Nope, that bloody show pony is probably still at the lake, freezing things." Bunny said, folding his arms.

  "Well why don't we go see if he is okay? He could be waiting for us to come and get him." Tooth said.

  "Ve could go look fer Jack! Its good plan!" He said and after everyones input and agreement, North got up and grabbed one of his snow globes. He threw it at the air and they all enter3d through it. Once in the area, however, they didnt see what they came here for.

  Bunny glanced at the lake, his eyes being met with a familiar staff. He rushed forward, but before he could pick it up, he spotted something swirling with the wind on the ice. His blood ran cold.

  "What?" Tooth asked, flying over to see the staff as well. "Could Jack... have gone back to pitch?"

  Sandy shook his head and floated over to the staff, pointing at it signing his reason.

  "Sandy's right. Jack wouldn't in a million years, leave his staff behind. He must have been kidnapped by Pitch." Bunny explained.

  "Kidnapped? You saw the dreams too, Bunny. There is more to this than that!" Tooth defended.

  "Well we wont know until Jack returns. In meantime, let us hold onto his staff." Bunny replied to her, bending down to take the staff in hand.

  "Finding Jack von't be easy. But we try for him!" North said.

  "Do you guys really think he was kidnapped?" Tooth asked, this time it was quieter.

  Bunny just sighed. "Lets hope that was it." He said, before they all walked back through Norths portal.

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