Chapter Sixty Six

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The first fight took place in the evening, so by the time we were seated in the stands the moon was already showing, even if the stars hadn't yet peaked out at the scene below.

People were excited about it, and even I felt the thrum of excitement of the crowd slip into me, it was the nauseating sort of exciting. It was terrifying knowing he could be hurt, and then the only man that I'd ever felt like looked past all of my bullshit, the thick outer crust of self-serving misery and thugishness, that he could be injured badly and I was going to sit in the stands and just watch it happen.

Then again the prospect of seeing him fight again was almost irresistible. It was one thing to know he was strong and another to see that kind of power unleashed in its full form.

All of me wanted to crawl as close as I could to the fight but I got the feeling the closer I tried to get the more snappish Kerberos would be. 

Kerberos was quiet and calm, looking almost casual as he stood still, but I knew better than to assume that he wasn't as deadly as ever. Before they transformed and they were standing across the pit from each other, his competitor was looking significantly more aggressive. I could see the look in his eyes and the way he hunched slightly, broadening his shoulders, trying to size up Ker as much as he could before Agrus saw that everyone was seated.

I leaned forwards. Kerberos looked too calm, it made me nervous.

Since there was only one arena the fights were held one after the other, Ker then Sirus, then Ker etc. Technically this meant that there would be more of a chance for a break than if it were just one fighting everyone and I hoped it would be enough.

The bell rang, the men transformed, a moments worth of examining each other, and then they leapt. He was fighting another panther, but not one I believe belonged to this claw.

The fight was a brutal show of dominance and barely lasted thirty seconds. The panther was already smaller, but the sheer strength with which Kerberos bulldozed into him and slammed him to the ground, allowing him to get up only to repeat with such power that I almost winced as I saw his body hit the ground again, the dust beneath them shifting into the air in response.

He was hurt, or maybe just winded, but he laid there a moment in shock and Kerberos  leaned over at the form on the floor and bared his teeth, looking maniacal and intimidating.

He didn't stand a chance. Not one chance. There was such a massive power imbalance I realised that even thought the fight I'd seen before this had only lasted about five or six minutes it was a much stronger cat.

For a moment when I saw it happen, saw the teeth and the hunched form, the paw on his chest. I was reminded of the feeling of his paw on my chest when he pinned me to the floor and the image slipped into my head... me beneath him in the middle of this arena, empty as I struggled to get up from under him, knowing that he was probably smiling inside that feline form that I had absolutely no chance against.

My hands trembled against my knees and I swallowed, trying to hide the fact that I was dying in heat, the scene in front of me only driving it further forwards. I looked down, took a deep breath and looked back up.

He submitted beneath him, no injuries other than to his pride as he transformed and tried to crawl away from beneath him. Kerberos didn't move for half a minute, then finally stalked around the centre of the pit as the onlookers cheered, seemingly far more jovial now that even more was on the line.

And all too soon he was gone and the next fight was ready to start. Sirus stepped up, another werecat across the ring. Sirus transformed and his competitor followed suit before the bell rang. A tiger versus another cat I couldn't recognise from picture books, something spotted like a cheetah.

Dominating an Alley Cat (boyxboy) ✓Where stories live. Discover now