Chapter Sixty Eight

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From the surprised murmurs around me no one guessed it. It was a bizarre move, because the tiger didn't make any effort to back away, not that he could have. Attacking then meant that he didn't have a chance to move away as Kerberos attacked back, and still he didn't retreat, accepting another vicious bite just so he could clamp his jaws on the joint of the foreleg of the panther. Even as he defended himself it was obvious from the blood and the roar of surprise that he wasn't expecting it.

The roar sent cold shivers through my body and made me feel cold and scared all of a sudden. I desperately needed to run and jump over the barrier, throw myself in between the two and protect him, but nothing happened. My body seemingly locking up my muscles in petrified confliction. I needed to move. I needed to do something!

Then Kerberos roared as he grabbed the tiger and sank his fangs into his neck. He held on tightly and the tiger roared as well, more blood than I'd seen yet so far was streaming out of their wounds combined, but the tiger was definitely taking the brunt of it. I saw the twitch in his back leg, the way the blood dripped onto the floor into small puddles, his eyes fogged over, unfocusing on what was in front of him, and then his body grew limp, fully letting Kerberos's teeth sink into his neck.

Kerberos set the body on the ground. The tiger lay there, one more twitch coming from his back leg, but nothing more happened, he was dead.

Even though relief flooded through me I was crushed to see Kerberos limp as he pulled away, walking back his foreleg slightly raised as he avoided putting pressure on it.

"Shit." Meddley said under his breath beside me.

I swallowed, gripping supports in front of me. "H- He's okay, right?" I turned to look at them and they each avoided looking at me, saying nothing but focussing instead on the scene in front of us.

"Well... He can heal... He won't..." Hitam tried to reply but was constantly falling short of words and eventually went quiet.

He couldn't even say that he wouldn't die. He couldn't, because that would be a lie. Each fight continues consecutively, meaning he wouldn't have time to heal before he was forced to fight again. If that continued then one injury would only lead to another, then to another and then... then it could...

I felt hot, my hands clammy. Kerberos moved away from the pit but he was clearly properly injured, I could see the pain in the way he moved, a trail of dark blood following him like breadcrumbs.

I stood up sharply. My heart beating fast. I needed to find him, make sure he was okay.

Meddley grabbed my arm. "You shouldn't." He said fast.

I tried to shake him free of me, hating the feeling of his hand on me, wanting to rip the damn thing off, seriously considering biting the fucking thing for a moment.

He glared at me. "Gabriel sit back down."

"No." I hissed. "He needs me."

Meddley continued glaring. "He needs to heal up in peace. You don't want to throw him off. You guys are... it's not a good idea for you to be alone." He said, punctuating his statement with a sharp tug of my arm and I was pulled suddenly back into my seat.

I was about ready to slug him, pulling hard at my arm, trying to get away. "You're wrong!" I hissed. "If there was ever a time the two of us needed to be alone it's now!"

Meddley turned a little red, whether it was embarrassment or frustration I couldn't tell. "Don't make me have to report this back to him, Gabriel. The two of you have broken enough rules. Do you want to see him formally executed after this?"

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