Chapter Fifty

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There was a thick silence in the room as I waited nervously on the end of the sofa in the living room, staring at the curtains like I was having some kind of conversation with them.

It was definitely better than the bathroom in here, cosy and warm and the sofas were the kind that threatened to swallow you whole. I liked the fact that the light in here never reached full brightness and that it was the kind of yellow light that reminded me of a warm fire. The television in here was small, and somehow that was nice, usually playing something cheesy and stupid that I could watch without using my four remaining braincells.

Only, I wasn't really able to focus on the TV, which was why I was boring holes into the draperies. I was doing everything I could to try to keep my mind off of Kerberos because every time it wandered I landed back on those eyes, on the way he had swagger forwards from the fight like he had expected no less, flung his competitor to the side and extracted the submission he had predicted from him. I couldn't get those fucking eyes out of my head, the image made me shiver.

I wanted to hide under my covers for the next three weeks, only coming out for food and... just for food. Definitely hadn't expected myself to react that way, and yet somehow I was convinced that it was normal after it happened, that somehow the way I was burning up inside desperate to hunt him down and run my fingers through his hair and feel him push my down against the ground or up against a wall...

I rubbed my temples and closed my eyes. It was impossible to keep myself from thinking about him. What the hell did my body want? If this was some kind of cat thing then what exactly was I expected to do?

Run down there and ask him to fuck me into the dirt in the middle of the arena in front of everyone? I trembled, gripping my knees as I swallowed loudly.

"Goddammit," I swore in a hushed whisper.

I turned sideways to see Meddely, who was sitting on the other end of the sofa, also not watching the television and instead quietly watching me.

My face felt flushed. I shouldn't be here, I should be resting... Resting in a tub full of ice to take my mind off of the incessant need for something more than I was getting sitting on a sofa on my own, pneumonia be damned.

It seemed like ages until Hitam finally re-entered the room, holding a bowl which he handed to me before sitting down beside me, the sofa tipping slightly as his weight was added to it.

I accepted the bowl and saw spaghetti with a tomato sauce, not ketchup, something else that smelled sweet and spicy.

"Thank you." I mumbled as I dug in. I was really hungry, hungry before when I mentioned it as my stomach growled and even hungrier now that I had food in front of me, good food. Well, I wasn't the kind of person that could tell if food was high class or that but I knew good comfort food when I was stuffing my face with it.

He nodded, a smile on his face.

"After this we'll take you to your bed and ah, almost forgot to mention. We're temporarily sleeping next door, so if you need help let us know."

I rolled my eyes. Man, they were even switching rooms to sleep in just to babysit me, I couldn't help but feel guilty, well guilty and embarrassed. I didn't need to be babysat, I wasn't that weak... and, well, when it came to werecats I at least knew I could kick them in their balls without anyone else's help. 

"Thanks." I mumbled, in either case, spaghetti still hanging from my mouth as I slurped it up in short bursts.

I was so hungry it was serving to be the perfect distraction from... yeah, well, better not to think about it. I spun my fork in the food and shovelled another overpacked fork-full into my face.

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