Chapter 18. Prove It.

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•Scarlett's POV•

It was 2 weeks before our grade 8 graduation dance, and everyone was absolutely buzzing about it, just imagine a bunch of 13 year olds running like fools around the school, desperately looking for a date. This was a big event though, after summer, we start high school, what they say is the best 4 years of your life. I couldn't wait for the graduation dance, it is like prom, but smaller, and there's no... "After Party" for you and your date. You know what I mean. I was sitting in he girls change room with one of my friends, Penny. Penny is a great friend, and she's moving back to Canada this summer, so that means I wont see her at all after the dance. We were planning to go together, as friends, but Denis had asked her out, and she was more than delighted to accept. All I needed now was Blake, my crush since grade 6, to ask me out.

"Don't worry Scar, he'll come around." Penny whispered, acknowledging the fact that she, besides Harry, was the only one who knew about my un dying love for Blake.

"You think?" I asked looking at her rosy coloured face. She probably looked as white as a piece of paper compared to me, I probably looked like a tomato with anger issues. Gym was always... interesting, it wasn't always the best subject, but Penny always found a way to make it a heck of a lot entertaining. Suddenly, I heard a group of many 13 year old girls in shock as they tried to cover up they're FULLY CLOTHED selves. Like, girl, what are you hiding? The pink fabric of your t-shirt? I turned around, expecting to see Godzilla or some sort pop out of nowhere, but instead I found 4 boys, remember, this is the girls change room, how'd they get in? I turned back to look at penny, and she was frozen,

"What?" I asked calmly. She pointed out in front of me where I was once looking just a mere few seconds ago. I turned too see 2 more figures emerge from in between the 4 guys, There, stood in front of me, was Blake, and Harry. My jaw probably dropped, I didn't really notice, I was thinking of all the possibilities as to why they were standing there, as if it was a privilege for them to be in here. Seriously, where was the teacher? It was as if my ultimate crush seeing me in shorts, and an extremely large t-shirt on, not to mention how bad my hair was probably looking right now, wasn't enough. Because Harry looked at me,

"Ask him!" he said pointing to Blake, a confused expression on poor Blake's face. Harry looked as if he just unsolved a murder case. I tilted my head slightly, fuming on the inside; I tried telling him with my eyes that he should get out. But he didn't get it.

"What. Are. You. Talking. About?" I asked, venom spat with every word I said. He looked slightly confused as he looked at Blake, and me back and forth multiple times. A slight pout on his lips, as he shook his curly locks viloently as he said something I wasn't expecting.

"But, yesterday, you said that I should bring Blake here so you could ask him to the graduation dance..." he mumbled trailing off. I swear, his curls aren't going to have that bounce when I'm done with him.

"I was being sarcastic when I said you should bring him here!" I yelled, face burning more if... that was even physically possible.

"Oh. So, you don't like him?" he questioned, lips pursed in deep concentration. Some girls were trying their hardest not to giggle at the show being out on in front of them. And others were just trying to keep caught up with everything.

"No!" I yelled, obviously lying.

"You don't? But...?" Blake said looking more confused then my uncle bob when I told him that Santa didn't exist.

"I do!" I said, not really processing what was going on.

"But you just said..." Harry said looking at me as if I was speaking gibberish. I looked around frantically. When I realized that I just committed social suicide, I did the only thing I could do. Keep in mind I REALLY like this boy who was so cute and popular. I got up slowly, and sprinted towards the change room door, and ran outside, and as far as possible away from everyone who was in that change room. I groaned and cursed at Harry in my mind for being such an idiot. I was a few meters away from the school, when I heard footsteps following me I turned around to see everyone laughing while chasing me, but however, you could tell by the look on Harry's face that he felt bad, but none the less, he was still finding it difficult to control his stupid laughter. I hadn't been watching where I was exactly sprinting too so I turned around and ran face first into a pole. Smack! After I bounced off the concrete pole, I fell right on my butt. Books and papers went flying as everyone laughed at the sight of me. I looked down and there was blood all over my shirt. When I hit the pole, I guess my nose took the brunt of the blow. Everyone who was in the gym, and change rooms, saw what happened.... and they were all laughing their damn fool heads off. When I looked around for my crush...he was on the floor laughing. Have you ever wanted to crawl into a locker and hide there for the rest of the school year? I did right now.

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