Chapter 26. Broken Trust & Broken Hearts.

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Chapter 26. Broken Trust. Broken Hearts.


A/N- Endnote is very important, read it please? Thanks.

& i made twitter so follow if you want @BitchIMightBexo 


•Scarlett's POV•

[Present Time]

It's weird isn't it? When you know something is horribly wrong, but you do nothing to fix it.

It's sad isn't it? When you loose yourself so much, you don't care anymore. It's scary isn't it? When you think you're fine, but then a wave of anxiety hits you and you realize, you're not okay.

I thought I was okay. But was I?

Last night my wall broke down. I tried to stop myself, I kept telling myself to block out the bad, and focus on the good. But you can't focus on good, when there's nothing there. Selfish; aren't I? People out there have it worse, right? I'm just a teen girl worrying too much about herself, right?

But, you see, I don't dwell over something right after it happens, I save it and end up building a barrier, but sooner, or later, it will break.

Last night I took a good look at myself. Was I happy? No, but that was beside the point. I was confused, and lost in my own little world. So caught up with my own world that I actually forgot to feel. Everything was a lie.

My mom was gone. My dad was gone. Does my sister even love me anymore? Does anyone love me? My 'best friends' don't care anymore. I'm living with a monster, he was capable of anything, and everything; the scary part was that he was drawing me in. He managed to tie a rope around me, and pull me closer to him. How can he be so evil, but still have a magnetic attraction? It's almost as if he didn't know the effect he had on people, mainly, me. At the same time, there was another rope, not as tight, but it was still there. It pulled me in the opposite direction; pulled me into his soft, gentle touch. One of the ropes will snap, but it was just a matter of time.

Last night, I gave up. Last night, I broke down. Last night, I cut. That's the problem with cutting. Once you start, you can't stop. It's addicting, cutting is my drug. It serves its purpose perfectly. Once I cut, I forget about everything that has been wrong. All that is left is my concentration on my cut. I forget about everything but the pain. Pain has become my world.

Other times, I look at my scars and see something else: a girl who was trying to cope with something horrible that she should never have had to live through at all. My scars show pain and suffering, but they also show my will to survive. They're part of my history that'll always be there.

Just when you thought you could trust someone, they turn around and stab you in the back. He did it once, but I forgave him. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. I was never going to forgive him.

I was never going to forgive Harry Styles.


"I can't wait to get out of here!" Angel screeched sitting on her suitcase, making it easier to zip it up. Today marked 1 week since we've been in Paris, the next two weeks are our time, no teachers (well except for 1), no rules, no curfew, and no boundaries. Today we we're officially starting our trip; we're leaving these creepy houses and going down to the campsite. It's a bunch of cabins in the middle of a forest, it had a lake, and a fence of trees surrounded it.

"I hope we're in the same cabin." I saw truthfully, playing with the zipper on my bag. That was the only drawback; we didn't get to choose the people we stayed with.

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