Chapter 25. Kissed By Thin Air.

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Chapter 25. Kissed By Thin Air.

“The ink on my skin, doesn’t determine who I am inside.”

•Niall's POV•

“It can’t be.” I whispered, swerving my head over to the side to catch a better glimpse outside the window. I was to fixed on the scene infront of me that I didn’t realize my leg was outstretched, giving e more balance so I didn’t fall and completely squash Kat. I may be skinny, but I probably felt like I weighed a ton, if not, a ton and a few pounds extra.

“I’m not blind nail file.” I scoffed, (a manly scoff of course) at her vile nickname for me.

“You sure about that kitkat?” this made me receive a, very hard, slap across my arm. I swear, if I didn’t like this girl so much, I’d kill her.

“I’m not joking Niall, I know what I saw.”

“And what exactly was that Kat?”


“Can I help you?” a lady from behind the cream white counter called, more like yelled in a rude manor, interrupting Kat. She had her blonde hair up in a bun, and she had one of those ‘do as I say or I’ll hurt you’ looks on her face. She looked about 20, and she was leaning on the counter, her hand placed on her chin, holding her head up.

“I would so love to knock her hand and watch her face fall.” Kat said, dramatically flicking her raven coloured hair over her shoulder.

“Don’t we all?” We both took a final glance at the window, shaking our heads we both walked over to the counter.

“Aren’t you supposed to be speaking French?” I pondered, mimicking her posture, she instantly straightened up, causing me to let out a low chuckle.

“I speak English to dimwit.”

“Clearly.” Kat whistled, bringing her hair back over her shoulder, only to flick it off again right after. Every time she flicked her hair, something in me got overwhelmed. Man, I was whipped.

“So are you going to order, or continue creeping on people outside the window?” she asked obviously bored.

“I’ll get 2 of those cookies, and 2 medium, no wait, 1 medium, and 1 large coffee.” Kat looked over to me as if asking for my approval. I nodded in return.

“You do know this is a McDonalds, we don’t sell cookies.” The girl behind the counter said. Judging by her nametag, I’m going to call her Jessica.

“Then what are those.” I brought my hand up to point to the glass case that displayed the endless amounts of cookies.

“Well I’ll be damned.” She spoke, almost in disbelief.

“Why didn’t you guys order some proper food, like I don’t know, maybe a burger?” Jessica pondered after calling out our order to someone in the back.

“Aren’t you supposed to take the next customer, not have conversation?” Kat raised her eyebrow. Jessica shrugged her shoulders and with a wave of her hand, she gestured behind us.

“Slow day.” And she was right; there were only maybe about 4 other people in the entire place.

“Why didn’t we order a burger?” I pouted as I turned to look at Kat.

“Someone told me that McDonalds uses some kind of brain tumor in there meat.” She made a disgusted face as she stuck her tongue out. Jessica scoffed, and crossed her arms around her slim frame.

“Well-” she started, only to be cut off by Kat, much like how Jessica interrupted Kat a few minutes earlier.

“Well what?”

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