Chapter 29. Dark.

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Chapter 29. Dark.


A/N- ‘Fallen’ my new book is already up, give it a look?

Previously on SNF;


The police sirens stopped as 3 of them burst threw the door, pushing past people, and pulling Harry and Zayn apart. The entire thing was messy, they wouldn’t stop going after each other, it took all 3 officers to hold them back, while I tried to reposition my face after the blow I took the jaw by Harry. Yeah, I was bleeding. I don’t know if you know this, but here in the UK it’s considered a crime to start a physical/street fight in public places, so these two were in loads of trouble, I can almost see Anne’s face as she finds out her son has been charged. One of the officers started patting down Zayn, while the other took Harry, and one of the walked over to me. The officer stopped at Zayn’s back pocket of his jeans, and felt at it for a second. He then pulled out a bag seconds later.

“Shit.” Zayn cursed as he ran his hands threw his hair.

“So you have possession of drugs.” One of the police officers said. Zayn turned around to face me, and I held a shocked expression, never did I ever think that he’d be doing weed and drugs.

“What the hell?” I asked him, not really expecting a reply. Harry was escorted out with handcuffs on, and a bloody face. He was placed into a police car, and they drove down to the station, Zayn followed behind them in a separate car.

“Alright Miss, we need to take you down to be questioned.” The officer beside me said.

“What? Why?” I asked scared. It was the first time I had been asked into a questioning.

“Don’t worry, we just want to know what happened.” I nodded slightly and mumbled an okay as I followed him to his car. This was definitely not what I was expecting today.

•Scarlett's POV•

If you had asked my how I expected this night to go, riding in the back of a police car was the furthest thing from my mind. This is a date I will definitely remember. I can already see the scowl on Anne’s face when she hears that her son is being charged for having a fight at a restaurant. I couldn’t help it but feel that the fight had something to do with me, but their huge egos had a lot to do with it too. I played with the little bracelet on my hand, trying to avoid the constant stares coming from the man in the front seat, shortly after 5 minutes we stopped infront of an eerie building, which looked even worse in the dark. I waited for him to open my door because they only opened from outside.

“Follow me Miss…” he waited for my name.


“Miss Rose.” I walked behind him taking in my surroundings, at the door I saw Harry. His hands were clasped together by the handcuffs, and at the other door was Zayn, both paired with two policemen on either side of them. No matter how angry I was at Harry I couldn’t help but giggle as he tried desperately to wipe the blood off his cheek with his shoulder, which caused him to trip into one of the officers. When I entered the building, I was placed inside the waiting room for god knows how long. When I was finally called in for questioning it was such a relief, yet frightening nonetheless. I sat down on a steel chair opposite of 3 other chairs on the other side of the small rectangle table. My fingers mindlessly drummed on the table while I waited, as soon as 3 bodies entered the room I straightened up my posture. I almost gasped as I took in the sight of Harry and Zayn’s face. Harry had a small gash on top of his left eyebrow there’s a bruise on his left cheek, and his face is swollen. His face makes it obvious that his black eye was painful too. Zayn was no better, his lip was busted, and his forehead had a bump. His nose had been bleeding earlier, you could still spot some dried up blood.

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