Chapter 20. Christmas.

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Chapter 20. Christmas.

A/N: This chapter takes place on Christmas, so get yourself in a Christmassy mood!

•Harry's POV•

"Harry!" my mom called again, impatient.

"Coming..." I trailed off, and wrapped the scissors, and razor blade back on the hand towel, and neatly placed it back exactly where I got it from.

What am I going to do?


I slowly lifted my shaking body off of the floor, and peered at myself threw the mirror hanging on the wall, I really was a monster, I drove my best-... my used to be best friend, into self harming herself. I do admit, I used to joke about it with the boys, but this wasn't a joke anymore, never did I think that she would actually listen to us, and harm herself. Was I really that bad of a person?

"Harry don't make me call you again!" I blinked once dramatically, and grabbed the doorknob, pulling it with great force, and stomping down the stairs with the same, if not, more force.


"Are you ready?"

"What do you mean? Ready for what?"

"Stores close early today, if you want to get something decent before everywhere locked up, you should leave now." Oh yeah! Shoot! I was so caught up with the, the uh, "discovering's" upstairs, I forgot about it. I grabbed my car keys, and phone, still in a bit of a daze.

"G-good morning Harry." A soft voice said from behind me, I turned around, and my eyes instantly darted to her wrists, and much to my dismay, she was wearing a long sleeved sweatshirt that covered her entire arms.

"What do you want?"

"Nothing... I just, never mind." I waited for her to continue, every once in a while kissing my teeth. Mentally of course.

"So, that song you sang yesterday..."

"Was just a song." I finished off, wanting nothing more but to be out of this awkward situation, I mean why doesn't a turtle just pop out of somewhere and say 'awk's.' Nothing else was being said so I just turned on my heel, and headed for the door, but felt a small hand on my shoulder.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes." No. I'm not okay.

"You sure?" No.


"You know if something's wrong-"

"God! Just leave me the hell alone! Why do you suddenly think we're friends?! We are anything but friends!" I couldn't control my emotions, and I ended up pushing her into the wall with my body, and kicking the back of her foot, making her fall and clutch her stomach, the place that had the impact of my elbow, I wasn't thinking, I just acted. Something I have a problem with, I always reflect on my actions, after I've done them. Her blue hair fell loosely around her face as she hung her head down low, aching with pain. Knowing that I was going to regret this later, and that this wasn't helping the fact that she was already battling with self-harm, I walked out the door, not looking back once.

•Scarlett's POV•

My eyes dropped as my pain driven body moved from the cluttered hallway of this new home. My mind went blank as my vision became unclear and blurry with tears. The pressure from my heavy eyelids was unbearable. Each attempt trying to open them failed, as my strength was not enough.

Why bother?

The tears that slowly seeped from blood shot eyes stung deep into my mind. My body felt so weak, it seemed my soul weighed me down to hell. I picked up myself, and staggered up the stairs, passed Anne's room, and into the bathroom. The room dark and a bit dusty, an open window half covered by a beige curtain allowed a cold Britain breeze to sneak through. It brought a chill up my nimble body. The room seemed like a maze to me, but really, I knew this room like the back of my hand. Tripping over my own feet, I fell to the floor. The feeling on my skin from the floor felt like ice, freezing me to the floor in shock. My hand moved to the side of my body and stopped at the soft felt of my sweater, grabbing it my hand, and then releasing it. My hand searched for the blade, I had recently touched just a few days ago. I flipped over grabbing my face in pain as my newly migraine tortured me without reason, now a new threat had entered my body.

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