Chapter 11. New Friends?

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•Liam's POV•

I have no clue as to what the hell i've just done. So here i am, sitting on the couch waiting for Melissa to get out of the bathroom, I loaned her a sweater 'cause she was soaking from the Rain. I honestly didn't want her touching my property, but what was i supposed to do, i let her stay here after all. I heard a door clock, and Melissa came out, she looked... Good i guess with my sweater on, i was probably starring at her for a while because she seemed self conscious. I beckoned her over to the leather sofa across from me. She took a seat, the leather, and her jeans made an awful sound when she sat down, she looked at me and we started to laugh, never would i have imagined, that Melissa Sanders, the girl i've bullied for 3 years, would be laughing at a joke with me.

[32 minutes later]

Well, this was officially weird. I was watching a movie i wasn't really interested in, and Melissa was sitting quietly, starring at the window, probably wanting the rain to stop soon.

•Melissa's POV•

I was getting really really bored, there was nothing to do. I was looking around the room when my eyes stopped at his xbox. I was mentally raping the poor thing with my eyes; I loved xbox, and the selection of games he had were awesome. I used to have one but i broke it, i know i'm such an idiot, and my parents never bought me another one. i found myself asking without even thinking:

"Hey, lets play that." i cooed pointing the gaming system in front of me. Liam looked surprised by my sudden questioning.

"Uh, you're not going to like the games i have, they're about blood and guns... and ... yeah." he replied.

"That is so sexist. Just because i'm a girl doesn't mean i dont play games like that." i replied, getting all defensive. He gave me a weird look.

"You're a weird girl..." he trailed off while putting in a gaming disc into the slot. I smiled, knowing that i've won.

[3 and 1/2 hours later]

"Ha! i bet you again!" i yelled, fist pumping. His face was priceless, he was utterly gobsmacked.

"You're not a normal girl, huh?" he asked smirking.

"Of course not." i said sitting back down. I looked out the window and saw my moms car outside, i guess Liam saw it too 'cause he said

"Looks like your moms here." i sighed silently, not wanting to leave, i got up and walked over to the door. I was about to leave when Liam walked up to the doorframe, and lent on it, crossing his arms.

"Look, um, dont tell anyone about what happened today... okay?" My smile dropped as those words rolled out of his mouth. Liam noticed my sudden change of mood,

"Why 'cause you dont want people to think you hung out with a freak like me?!" i yelled, all my hate for Liam came flooding back.

"No! Just- Melissa Please!-" he pleaded.

"Save it." Was the last thing i said before i stormed back to my house, ignoring my mom's calls and running straight to my room.

•Alicia's POV•

"Hold on!" i yelled to the boy in the other room.

Hi. I'm Alicia Ivy. 17. Female... no duh. Pretty tall. Straight blonde hair, dazzling light brown eyes, full lips, slim figure, nose piercing, etc.

"Alicia! Get your skinny ass over here!" the impatient boy yelled. I giggled slightly at his remark. I sauntered over to my room, where he was. He was sitting, back against the headboard of my bed, and feet bent slightly, and head tipped back, making his beautiful brown locks fall slightly over his eyes. I've always seen Louis as my best friend... but now... i dont know he just, has this weird affect on me. But i have a boyfriend! The most popular guy in our school! I heard someone clear there throat, i looked up, and gave Lou a confusing look.

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