Chapter 28. Back Home.

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Chapter 28. Back Home.

•Scarlett's POV•

 I hadn’t moved at all from my present spot at the window. I just sat infront of it mourning over the fact that I couldn’t smile and be ecstatic like everyone else. I would always be known as the pathetic one… the one that tried to commit suicide.

One by one people started to leave the party, and walk back to their assigned cabins. At the corner of my eye I saw Angel walking back with Brianna, Kat, and Zayn. I took the blanket that I had and wrapped it tighter around my body, and pulled my legs up onto the chair. I rested my head onto the window, and gazed outside.

“We’re back.” Angel spoke softly as she took a seat infront of me.

“Did you get anything to eat?” she asked. I altered my gaze from outside, onto the bowl of milk and soggy cereal on the side of my bed.

“I can’t wait to leave.” I barely whispered.

“Hey uh, can I have a minute with her?” Zayn spoke up for the first time today.

“Sure.” She supposed, and she strolled outside with Kat and Brianna.

“How do you feel?” he replaced the spot that Angel was just on.

“Listen, I understand if you don’t want to talk but I just need to ask you one thing.” He basically begged. I gave him a slight nod, commending him to go on.

“I want to take you out. I really like you, and I want to prove that to you. So what do you say?” his nervousness was evident, his hands shook like crazy. This could either be a great way to get my mind off of everything and move on, or it could be a terrible idea and id end up with more hurt than I began with. I hopped for the best, so I agreed.

“Okay.” I nodded my head slightly, a small smile escaping my lips. A look of relief crossed his face as he let out a shaky breath.

“Awesome.” He contemplated on giving me a hug but instead he stuck out his hand for a handshake. I grinned as I moved his hand out of the way and went in for a hug, and believe me when I say it was a much-needed hug.

•Harry's POV•

“I missed you so much.” She purred, pulling herself closer to me. It felt so wrong… what I did. I insisted on her leaving before we got caught, but she wouldn’t budge. I had a pair of sweatpants pulled loosely on my legs, and I gave Alicia a t-shirt of mines to wear. My fingers found its way to her head, which was resting on my torso, I started to play with her hair.

“What about Lou?” she lifted her head from my abdomen, and turned to look at me,

“What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” She smiled. I got up from my spot and let my elbows rest on my knees, I let my head fall into my hands in frustration.

“Alicia, I have no feelings for you. This was a mistake.” I laughed dryly.

“But I thought…?”

“You’re my best friends girlfriend, and not to mention my ex. This whole thing is fucked up.”

“So what now? Are you saying you don’t want to see me again?” she came to stand infront of me.

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