Chapter 16. Death.

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•Scarlett's POV•

"Hello?" i asked.

"Hello Is this the Rose family residents?" A professional person asked. I was becoming scared.

"Yes. Who is this?" i replied.

"This is the PSA. Police Service Authorities. We are very sorry to inform you that-" He took a deep sigh and paused for a moment. I was becoming more scared by the second,

"What?!" i practically yelled when he wouldn't finish his sentence.

"Ms.Rose, we found your father dead at the Marine Intersection in Los Angeles." that was all i needed to hear, i dropped onto the floor, breathing heavily, my mouth was fully open and i was struggling to breathe. This can't be happening! My father. The only person i had left, he was gone.

"H-how... how did he die?" i whispered anticipating the answer.

"Drunk driving. It take many peoples lives every year. Because you are not of legal consent, we have to put you, and your sister in a orphanage, i'm very sorry miss." That just put everything over the top,

"i'm 16 for crying out loud, not that far from 18, i've been left alone with my sister numerous times, surely i can stay here!"

"I'm sorry miss, but thats not legal, you have to be 18 or older. But if you can find someone close to you, family friend for example, over the age of 21, than you can go threw a process that'll allow you to live with them, until you're old enough to move out." when those words left his mouth i saw a bright side coming up. I agreed to take him up on that offer, i could find someone within the next 24 hours, i will need to go to their head state and tell them, luckily for me, that wasn't too far away, and plus, i got my car fixed. After we bid our goodbyes i sat on the couch once again, and took in everything that just happened,

"He died..." i whispered to myself, as if telling myself that this is reality, this is real, i'm officially an orphan...But there was still one problem, who was going to take me in? My aunt she's going back to her hometown, all the way back in the US, and i wasn't born here, i was born in England... yes, but not here. The only person i know that can take me in is ... Anne. I really like Anne, she's friendly, and caring, and a really good motherly person. But Harry... i'd have to out up with him or a year... until i can get my own place. Whoa. Slow down there Scarlett, they haven't even agreed. Suddenly the door bell rang and i looked over to the door really quickly, i got up off the couch and made my way over to the door, dragging myself. I opened the door and saw my aunt and Valerie. I probably looked like a mess when i opened the door because as soon as Vals ran into the house she sat me down on the couch i was just bawling my eyes out on.

"Sweetie, is something wrong?" she asked concerned, her big blue eyes pleading. I tucked a piece of my blue hair behind my ear as i struggled to find my voice,

"H-He's g-g-gone..." i barely whispered as i looked at her, tears now streaming down my cheeks.

"Who..?" she asked inching closer,

"D-Dad..." i said looking at her, her face was pale, and lost all its colour.

"Oh my god. Come here dear." She said as she pulled me into a hug, my hands we're trembling, and the tears still streamed down my face. If i only had 1 more day with my dad, i would tell him how much i loved him, and despite all the abuse, and hatred thrown at me from him, i'll always love him.

"He's in a better place now hun." My aunt said after she pulled away from the hug. But was she so sure? Is he really in a better place?Is it bad that i feel guilty? I never paid attention to my dad, and i've always blamed him for my mistakes, i blamed him for all my flaws, my weaknesses... everything. And deep down, i still love him, he used to treat me like a princess, like i was the only thing that ever mattered, why was it that i couldn't thank him before he left..? Now i'll never get the chance. Another tear slipped down my res cheeks as Valerie walked in, the sight of her made me cry even more, the poor girl, first her mom... and now her dad. I looked over to My aunt, and then back at Vals.

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