xii. Guest of Honor

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xii. guest of honor

MILK SOAKED INTO the frosted wheat squares inside Erin's bowl as she tried to eat them before they grew too soggy

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MILK SOAKED INTO the frosted wheat squares inside Erin's bowl as she tried to eat them before they grew too soggy. The house sat quiet when she claimed a seat at the island counter. Jeremy left earlier for The Grill, something about meeting Bonnie. She waved him on with a teasing grin, which he promptly rolled his eyes at. Erin thought they were absolutely adorable.

     John went God knew where. She hadn't spoken to him since he gifted her mother's necklace. And frankly, she didn't want to. Not yet.

     The only one left in the home, besides herself, was Jenna, seeing as how Alaric didn't stay over. Erin figured it had something to do with avoiding John. It seemed everyone did that as of late.

     Erin finished off her cereal and moved to place the empty bowl in the sink when Jenna entered the kitchen. A warm coat was thrown over her arm and a bag hung from the other with rolled papers sticking out of the top. "Where are you off to?" she questioned at her aunt's dressed form.

     Jenna dropped the bag in her previous seat and covered it with her coat. "To show that visiting writer the old property lines of the Founding Families," she stated.

     Erin tensed. Elijah. She wouldn't lie that it made her nervous that Jenna had to spend some much time with the Original vampire. He might not harm her, given his deal with Elena, but it still made her wary. They still didn't know much about him or his plan, other than the fact he wanted to follow through with the sacrifice to kill Klaus.

     "Sounds like fun," Erin voiced, moving to the coffee maker to pour her first cup of the day.

     Jenna smiled, grabbing her purse to slip it onto her arm. "If you really think so, you should come along."

     Erin paused with the cabinet door open. She whirled to her aunt and blinked. "What?"

     "You're a history buff. You love this kind of stuff. It'll be fun," Jenna exclaimed as her eyes brightened. "You know way more about this Founders stuff than me, anyway. Come on, we'll make a day of it."

     Erin couldn't help notice the excitement that fell over Jenna. She really wanted to spend time with her. And in all honesty, Erin couldn't remember the last time she just got to hangout with Jenna. So much happened and kept happening that it made it hard, especially when her aunt knew nothing about the supernatural world.

     Guilt pooled in her chest, causing Erin to sigh and reach for a travel mug. "Sure. Let's do it."


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