iii. Real-Life Lon Chaney

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iii. real-life lon chaney

THEIR LITTLE SUPERNATURAL world seemed to grow bigger and bigger by the day

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THEIR LITTLE SUPERNATURAL world seemed to grow bigger and bigger by the day. Caroline was now a fully-fledged vampire, enhanced in every way and forced to crave blood for the rest of her immortal life. And the Lockwoods, they were something else entirely.

     After the Gilbert device affected Tyler and his father, they were all fairly certain that something was up with the family. The average human didn't collapse because of an ear-splitting screech produced by a century and a half old magic box. And Mason Lockwood's, Tyler's uncle, showing off strength at the carnival solidified the notion.

     So one morning, Stefan and Damon were ready to figure out once and for all what the Lockwoods were. To do so, they needed the help of someone who had access to research that pertained to Mystic Falls. The ex-husband of Isobel Flemming and vampire hunter, Alaric Saltzman.

     Over the last few months, Erin came to know Alaric as more than just her history teacher. Not only had he once known her biological mother, but he started a complicated relationship with her aunt Jenna. He also knew quite a bit about the supernatural, which meant their paths crossed often. Erin liked him. Alaric was kind to a fault, treated Jenna well, and never put up with Damon's attitude, meaning he gained her approval fairly quick. His involvement wouldn't be unwelcome, as opposed to someone else Erin didn't care to interact with.

     A warm cup of coffee was clutched between Erin's hands as she claimed the corner of a couch in the Salvatore Boarding House's parlor. She released a large yawn, nursing the drink in an attempt to keep her awake. She despised Damon more for waking her so early in the morning.

     Stefan and Elena claimed the other couch across from her, awaiting the arrival of their guest. Her sister had her own mug of coffee, leaning into her boyfriend's side as her eyes drooped.

     Damon all but leapt from his chair when someone approached the front door. He tore the wooden slab open, greeting the man on the threshold. "Thanks for coming, Ric. Can I get you something to drink? Coffee, bourbon? Bourbon in your coffee?" He asked, shutting the door behind them.

     Alaric stiffly walked into the parlor. "Erin and Elena mentioned you needed my help." Damon motioned to the free end of the couch Erin claimed. He nodded and took a seat.

     Stefan leaned forward and rested her arms atop his knees. "Yeah, we were hoping you could help shed some light on the Lockwood family."

     Alaric's brows furrowed, looking between them all. "Now, why would I know anything about the Lockwoods?"

     "Well, you wouldn't," Damon voiced, taking a seat in a chair adjacent to the couches. "But your dead not-dead vampire wife might."

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