xx. Honesty Police

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xx. honesty police

THUD AFTER THUD filled the Gilbert kitchen as Erin's knife sliced through the tomato placed atop a cutting board

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THUD AFTER THUD filled the Gilbert kitchen as Erin's knife sliced through the tomato placed atop a cutting board. Cooking had never been one of her strong suits. Anything that required boiling liquids or scalding burners were hazards she tried to steer clear of. Her clumsiness and hot objects didn't mix well. But slicing vegetables, that she could do.

     Elena stood behind the stove, stirring a large pot of chili as it rose to the right temperature. Her brilliant dish to bring to the Founders' potluck. Erin suggested a casserole, but her sister really wanted chili. And in no mood to argue, she agreed. There were worse foods to bring.

     "I just don't know why you want to bring chili to a potluck," Damon voiced as he stole a slice of tomato from Erin's already sliced pile. "Everybody brings chili."

     Erin looked at him and spoke, "that's what I said, but no - we just have to make chili." She slid the rest of her chopped tomato into the bowl on the counter. Celery was next.

     "Hey, Ric," Damon greeted the man when he walked into the kitchen.

     Erin lifted her gaze from the stalks of celery she set onto the cutting board to Alaric. She gave him a light smile.

     After they arrived home from their disastrous trip to the Smoky Mountains, Alaric officially moved into the Gilbert home. He pushed aside his reservations and claimed Jenna's room as his own. It took a while, but he grew more comfortable over the last several weeks. More so than when he stayed on the couch, anyway.

     Alaric glanced between in a curious manner. "What's up?"

     "What time do you wanna go to the Lockwood party?" Elena asked, turning away from the stove.

     Alaric's expression scrunched. "Ah, those Founders' parties aren't really my thing."

     "Show up, there's gonna be nine other people that brought chili," Damon quipped, moving to Elena's side at the island counter.

     Elena gave him a look. "It's an old family recipe, okay?"

     "Yeah, I know," Damon replied and reached out to swipe the knife from Erin's hand. She sent him an annoyed glare. He ignored it, sliding next to her. "I knew your old family. They made sucky chili."

     Erin snorted. "I keep forgetting that you're older than dirt," she shot back with a teasing glance.

     Damon rolled his eyes, but an amused grin spread across his lips. He knocked his shoulder into hers, prompting Erin to do the same with a light laugh.

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