xli. Hunting Expedition

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xli. hunting expedition

NO MATTER HOW LONG Erin spent in their presence, she knew wholeheartedly that she would never get used to living with boys

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NO MATTER HOW LONG Erin spent in their presence, she knew wholeheartedly that she would never get used to living with boys. The mere twelve hours alone in her home with just Jeremy and Matt paled in comparison to the few days spent at the lake house.

     Add a sulking vampire, and the strangeness grew even more.

     Since Elena and Bonnie left them, Erin had to deal with the three boys on her own. The loud shouts that accompanied their attempts at training, the horrid stench that followed them when the activities concluded, and not to mention their obsession with pizza. Frozen or delivery. It began to drive her insane.

     But the one thing that pushed her to the brink came with their lack of cleanliness. They owned a dishwasher for a reason, and they failed to even use it. Erin guessed they thought dropping everything in the sink was good enough.

     Erin stood at the kitchen counter, cringing as she lifted a cup from the quickly growing pile of dishes. Her nose scrunched, setting the thing into the top rack of the dishwasher.

     "Hey," Matt voiced, entering the room from the backdoor. His shirt was drenched in sweat, having accumulated after he sparred with Jeremy and then ran the length of the lake, twice.

     Matt came up to the lake house shortly after Elena and Bonnie left. Erin and her sister thought Jeremy needed someone to keep him company and to push him when it came to training. Someone who wasn't a vampire.

     Although his vampire killing subconscious had been suppressed, Jeremy and Damon never did have the best relationship. It was complicated at best. Erin didn't really blame her brother for it. After all, Damon did snap his neck once.

     Erin loaded more cups and plates into the washer as she voiced, "pizza's on the table."

    Matt moved further into the room and headed for the refrigerator. "Thanks, but if I eat right now, it's not gonna be pretty," he quipped in return, popping the door open to grab a water bottle.

     "Well, you guys better savor it this time, cause I am so sick of pizza," Erin retorted, raising the door of the dishwasher closed. She pressed the right cycle button and then start. The appliance roared to life.

     Matt huffed, after he took a king swig of his water. "Let me guess, paying off the delivery girl wasn't just Damon's doing." He quirked a brow.

     Erin shrugged with a light grin. "I might've given him the idea," she confessed, causing Matt to chuckle. "But if you guys don't start cleaning up after yourselves, I'm cutting off the pizza pipeline indefinitely."

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