xi. Traitor Warlock

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xi. traitor warlock

THE FIRST THING that registered in Erin's mind when her consciousness returned had been a piercing ring

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THE FIRST THING that registered in Erin's mind when her consciousness returned had been a piercing ring. A melodic chime in the waking hours, but a defeating screech to the sleeping. Erin tried to shove whoever laid at her side to shut it off, but she soon remembered that she lay next to their legs. It was the only way they could fit all four of them in the bed.

     Maybe she should've slept on the floor.

     Of course Erin would've came either way. Caroline needed her friends after what she went through with the werewolves. She, Elena, and Bonnie were happy to answer Stefan's bat-signal to help.


    Erin heard Caroline groan at the head of the bed. A moment later, there was a thud and a grunt. The crowded mattress gained more space. At that, Erin stretched out some, but she continued to lay toward the foot. She had a pillow and wasn't actually next to either of Caroline or Bonnie's feet. Another few hours of it wouldn't kill her.

     The ringing ceased, and the quiet voice of Elena said, "hello?"

     Erin groaned, shoving her face into the pillow. "Elena!" she hissed in unison with everyone else.

     Elena must have crawled out of the room, but she could still hear her faintly. Stefan had ruined their peaceful sleep. Well, not peaceful. After all, Erin did have to lay between their feet. And Caroline kicked in her sleep.

     Minutes passed and Erin tried to drift back off, but a shaking sensation prevented it. She raised an arm to smack whoever dared touch her until they grabbed her wrist. Her eyes flew up and then squinted from the sunlight that leaked from the curtain-covered windows.

     Elena stood above her with a grin on her lips. "I'm leaving. Can you get Care or Bonnie to drive you home?" she asked so low it was barely considered a whisper.

     Erin blinked, staring up at her sister's blurry form. Her glasses were on Caroline's nightstand. She just waved her off and nodded. "Go away," she muttered.

     Elena chuckled, gaining irritated sounds of protest from their friends.

     With her eyes falling closed, Erin didn't see Elena leave and her tired state dragged her under again.


     The next time she woke, Erin found both her friends in a discussion about what they wanted to do for breakfast. And by unanimous decision, they chose The Grill. Easier than trying to cook and completely destroying Liz's kitchen. They only made that mistake once.

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