xxvi. Perfectly Good Funeral

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xxvi. perfectly good funeral

THE REDDENED SKIN of Erin's cheeks stung as the cool autumn air whipped past her quick form

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THE REDDENED SKIN of Erin's cheeks stung as the cool autumn air whipped past her quick form. Her feet thrummed against the sidewalk, carrying her through the neighborhood streets. Little to no one milled about, still asleep or groggily slinked around their homes to get ready for the day.

A routine had developed for Erin over the last few months. She would wake up early and go for a run before school. Physical activity never used to be a way for her to calm her mind, but the added pressure to build muscle and improve her stamina in their new world opened the door. Weight training and punching bags would never become enjoyable, but running pushed her thoughts aside and let her body take over. At least, to a certain extent.

Reading and movies and history documentaries would always be her preferred ways to spend her free time, but a decent run helped when she needed it to.

"Are we running a marathon or something?" Matt called out, slowing his quick pace to a stop. He breathed deeply, resting his hands onto his sweatpant covered hips.

Erin did the same as her chest heaved, drawing in air to appease her starved lungs. "No. Why would you think that?" she wheezed slightly.

"Because from the moment we left your house, we haven't slowed down since," Matt replied, lowering his arms to his sides. "You trying to run from your problems?"

Erin scoffed, and her expression scrunched. "What? I'm not running from my problems," she exclaimed in a high pitched tone, only to gain a blank stare in return. She sighed. "Okay, I'm running from my problems."

"You wanna talk about it?" Matt asked, moving forward to walk at a leisurely pace.

Erin followed suit. Her legs already began to feel like jello, and they still had to attend school. She didn't need to push herself.

"I thought you didn't wanna be involved in our supernaturally plagued lives?" Erin quipped, sending him a teasing grin.

Matt huffed and produced a grin of his own. "Being in the middle of it and hearing about it are different things." He reached out and knocked his arm with hers. "Come on. I know something's bugging you. Is it more Klaus stuff?"

Erin actually would've preferred Klaus-related drama than deal with her recent issues. Those didn't include her wanting to strangle her sister.

"Jeremy's gonna go live with some family friends in Denver for a while," Erin voiced as they continued down the block.

Matt's brows furrowed. "He's just gonna leave with everything that's going on?"

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