xxix. What You Wish For

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xxix. what you wish for

THE SHARP TINGE of sage wafted into Erin's nose, forcing her features to scrunch at the odd scent

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THE SHARP TINGE of sage wafted into Erin's nose, forcing her features to scrunch at the odd scent. Her legs were brought up to rest below her as she claimed a spot on Bonnie's desk chair. Her sister stood near the end of their friend's bed, while Bonnie sat in the center.

     Elena wanted them all to meet up shortly after she arrived back from the Boarding House, wanting to vent about her frustrations that concerned Damon.

     Apparently, Damon had taken Rebekah home after the ball ended the night before. More so was forced to end when the eldest Salvatore snapped the youngest Mikaelson brother's neck. Not that he didn't deserve it. He did practically break Matt Donovan's hand.

     "He was gloating," Elena exclaimed with a strained expression and her arms crossed. "Like, actual gloat. Like, he was proud of himself for sleeping with her." She paused in her rant and looked to Bonnie, who waved a bundle of lit sage in her hand. "Is it working?"

     The bedroom door opened and Caroline entered. "It's not working. I can hear every word you're saying about Damon, the vampire gigolo," she quipped.

     Bonnie sighed, looking up from the sage she placed in a wooden bowl on her tray. "I don't know. It's a tricky spell," she replied.

     During her visit with Esther, Elena witnessed some kind of privacy spell performed. It prevented anyone from eavesdropping when enacted, even from the enhanced hearing of a vampire. A spell that could come in handy, if Bonnie could figure it out.

     "When Esther did it, she kept the sage burning," Elena explained. "And there was a lot more smoke."

     "Alright." Bonnie picked up the sage and held it above the lit candle on her tray. The flame crackled across the bundle and more smoke filled the air. "Try it again."

     Caroline spun on her heel and left the room, closing the door behind her.

     Bonnie set the safe back into the bowl and released a short breath. "Speaking of Esther, you guys should know that she came to see me and Abby this morning," she stated.

     Erin perked up at that, drawing her attention away from the violet crystal she plucked from her fiend's desk. "What? Why? What'd she say?" she rushed out.

     "And all this time, you let me vent about Damon?" Elena voiced, setting her full attention on the witch.

     Bonnie pressed her lips together and shrugged. "I didn't want you to worry."

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