viii. Decisions

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viii. decisions

SCENES OF A HISTORICAL documentary flashed across Erin's television screen into the late hours of the night

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SCENES OF A HISTORICAL documentary flashed across Erin's television screen into the late hours of the night. Sleep didn't come easy, or at all, after what she learned from Katherine. And the only thing that brought her comfort had been the retellings of Viking lore.

Good thing the weekend started the next morning. She would've been a useless lump in a classroom setting.

Erin leaned against a mound of pillows propped behind her upper back and head, taking in the runic symbols that were displayed on the thin glass. Her eyes had begun to droop, finally dragging her under, until a thud sounded outside her bedroom door.

An odd occurrence, considering everyone in the house was supposed to be asleep. At least, that's what Erin thought. She tossed her blanket aside and shifted to the edge of the bed. Once she slipped her feet into her house shoes, she threw the door open.

A short scream escaped her lips when Erin nearly ran into another person. She stumbled back, grabbing at her chest as she recognized them. "Alaric," she breathed out, trying to slow her racing heart.

Alaric jumped, nearly dropping the bowl in his hands. "Erin." His eyes went wide, before they fell to his compromised state. He cleared his throat, lowering his bowl to cover his boxer-clad self.

Erin blinked, keeping her gaze on his face. "I, uh, heard a noise," she replied, trying to ignore the fact that he stood in front of her practically naked.

Right then, the door to Elena's room opened and she rushed out. Her stare swiped over them, before it settled on Alaric. She quickly looked away. "Uh, I heard Erin scream," she muttered.

Erin gestured to their aunt's boyfriend. "He scared me."

Footsteps were heard on the stairs, and a second later, Jenna came into view. Hair a mess and adorned in an oversized button-down shirt. Her lips pulled into a sheepish smile when she noticed Erin and Elena. "The noise was us. I'm sorry," she apologized.

"We didn't think anyone else was up," Alaric explained as his face took on a reddish hue.

Jenna glanced between Erin and Elena and added, "but here you guys are."

"We were just..." Alaric trailed off, raising his bowl in the closest twin's direction. "Chunky monkey?"

Erin pressed her lips together in an attempt to not smile and shook her head. "Nope, I'm good."

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