Week later

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"Kelly girl let's go out tonight to celebrate" I look at liz.

I think she's talking about a club right..? "Liz um ain't the clubs in gotham dangerous" she gave me a duh look but then said "girl every club is dangerous".

That's true but what am I going to wear I then came up with an idea if I say I don't have anything then I would have to go good thinking.

Before I could even speak I was now in the passenger seat in liz car dressed up going inside the j club.

"Is this place safe" looking around liz laughed "girl it's gotham city" I nodded but I still didn't understand only though I've been in gotham city for a week.

It was golden on the inside people swaying, bodyguards protecting, girls dancing, loud music playing.

Mother wouldn't approve as I look around seeing everyone enjoy themselves even liz.

I sat inside one of the booths looking over to see her dancing I guess which was fun it made me smile I think it's called twerking?

I sat inside one of the booths looking over to see her dancing I guess which was fun it made me smile I think it's called twerking?

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That's the one boss she healed me, face of an angel voice of an angel.

A man then came over sitting down his hair was very green kinda like a granny Smith apple but darker.

I game him a warm smile instead of smiling with his face he did it with his hand his eyes showed his true emotion.

Not happiness it was death..."So sad who hurt you" I tried to reach out for him but liz came over dragging me away.

She turned to look at him saying "Sorry she's new to gotham city it's her first week here" instead of looking at liz he looked at me with curiosity in his eyes.

Liz didn't talk at all when she took me home only thing she said is that she won't be at work for a couple days and then left.

What's her problem I was now soaking in the bath I have work tomorrow I'm kinda happy though ever since I've moved here my mother didn't call she must still be upset.

Innocent little jokeWhere stories live. Discover now