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This man is keeping me hostage to make him better why can't he just take the medication.

I sighed to myself this place that he brought me to was big at least about twice the size of my rundown apartment.

"No no don't kill me" Did I hear that correctly I thought to myself maybe I'm hearing things.

"Ahhhhhh" what the fuck is that now i know you don't usually go and investigate the source of screaming but I had too.

I go into the room to see the joke with a ear in his mouth while the man in the chair is screaming i ran over to him.

Are you okay sir...wait stupid question of course he isn't okay I'll take care of you okay sir "Like hell you will" I looked at him.

What is your problem your fucking crazy he then give me the creepiest grin that I have ever seen and then said "So you will be too my dear".

This man literally rip another man ear off with just his bare teeth it's absolutely crazy what the human body can do when you put your mind to it.

Your just fucking heartless I told him the man is passed out he came up to me and grabbed me by my face.

"You talk to me like that one more time and you will get punished for it" I looked at him.

You already kidnapped me what's the worst you could possibly do to me in this moment?

His eyes turned dark "I could kill you, rape you, sell your organs or last but not least human trafficking my dear".

I pushed him away looking at him with wide eyes I then ran out the room scared shitless.

Innocent little jokeWhere stories live. Discover now