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Watching her as she sleep peacefully I will be keeping you here with me you will not be let out of my sight.

And if you try to run well...let's not think about that cause I know you won't run I smile.

Oh I forgot I went outside to the back of the car right what I got to do with you well your just a head now your body is probably back there out on one of the roads.

Your face is so messed up the man who I tied up in a noose was completely dead some of his face was dirt black with some road pieces sticking out of his head as if he had horns, his eye were complete blood shot red.

Yes I said eye because other eye I stepped on it had popped out of the socket I didn't mean to step on it okay maybe I did.

Time to clean up my mess digging a hole by the tree deep enough so no one can find the head huffing and puffing tired from digging now I need to piss.

My lips curled up into a smile as I unzipped my pants and pulling out my d*ck I was letting it out over the head of the dead guy.

Ahhh now that's better I covered the head with the dirt after patting it down I was going inside to check on my angel who was still asleep.

Your staying here kelly.

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