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I can't believe that my date left and left me with the check plus I have to find a way home how can I be so dumb I sighed pulling out my phone.

I opened the uber app on my phone I should at least be able to get a ride somehow um how do you do this again?

This is the first time I done this before I know I clicked on some button then seeing that my uber is on the way as soon as I looked up from my phone a car was right in front of me.

Weird because it was 10 mins away I looked back at my phone but it had glitched out why is gotham so weird.

Hopping into the uber car the driver didn't say anything at all it was a man with green hair.

(At the time i never thought about it)

Looking out the car window to see if my date is around somewhere but he isn't nowhere to be found I guess he really did leave me.

Sighing "Excuse me can you step on it" making it home at 12 in the morning I was ready to get and bed and go to work.

I tried to say thank you for the rude but the car was already gone.

Gotham uber's are weird, looking at my phone wait that wasn't a uber that was a total stranger.

I just showed my home to a complete stranger I know liz told me to be careful and all what I should do is get a roommate.

Innocent little jokeWhere stories live. Discover now