Good Behavior

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Now being at work and telling Liz everything that went wrong with the date she said she's going to hurt her cousin.

Me on the other hand I told her it was fine "hey Liz I'm going to go around and help the patients" she gave me a simple nod then I was off.

Going to room to room with a gentle knock and a warm smile on my face each room I go into I either fix a pillow or give a person there medication.

Now time to go downstairs to the Asylum rolling a cart that had balloons, candy, flowers, cards, and even a music player.

Hopefully they all enjoy this gift I know it goes against a lot of rules but they are still people too.

Finally making it downstairs I put the music player on the brown desk usually there's a security guard there but he's not here right now I guess patrolling.

Clicking play but nothing happened sigh I guess they gave me a broken one some of the patients have anger issues and music help.

But since there isn't any music I looked over to see the three most violent people are acting out.

Think Kelly think..

I sat at the brown desk breathing in deeply,

" Good day in my mind, safe to take a step out
Get some air now, let your edge out
Too soon, I spoke, you be heavy in my mind
Can you get the heck out?
I need rest now, got me bummed out
You so, you so, you, baby, baby, babe
I've been on my empty mind shit"

Swaying side to side singing I looked back over to see them staring at me going over I continued to sing some more until they have calm down.

Going back to my cart I stopped to look at the papers on the desk he got out on good behavior but he's only been here for like two or three days.

Maybe it's the wrong paper I grabbed the candy and balloons handing out the candy and tying the balloons to the cell of the room.

Going back upstairs to Liz she told me "Yea that clown guy he got out" I looked at her confused "he got out for good behavior which seems like bullshit to me Kelly but oh well".

I started to think well it doesn't really make sense but okay I guess I'll just try not to think about it too much.

It was now time to clock out I was the first person out but instead of asking Liz for a ride I walked home.

Which was a bad idea because....I got kidnapped, welcome to gotham city.

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