(Chapter 9)(return of the king)

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(Chapter 9)(return of the king)

(Abel's p.o.v)

I was sitting in dads king chair. Joanna wrapped her arms around me from behind.
"Please become King, Brantley hasn't done anything to help this place." She says.
"Okay, look Sis I know your mad at him, yes he's so irritating but your just pissed because he got on you and Zayne, for the other night". I say. "No it's not, that's not why, he hasn't done anything for this place whatsoever, Abel please, become Dad". She says. "I can't". I say.
There was a long silence.
"Come on let's go walk". I say. "Where?" She asked. "Out in that field dad used to love so much". I say. She smiled.

We rode on dad's motorcycle all the way there. I smiled when we got there. I put the kickstand down. I got off and helped Joanna .
We walked to the tree where mom and dad used to lay under ; on those days when they needed alone time. I sat down beside Joanna . "I wish daddy would come back". She says. "Me too". I say.

(Brantley's p.o.v)

I had just run a mission and was back at the headquarters now. I sat in my king chair, in my office. I just closed my eyes. The door slammed. I looked up only to see JAX!
He looked young and strong, but I knew it was him. He looked around age 20 to 25.
He had an angry expression.
"You've said bad things about me, that has hurt my first borns feelings." He says. "How, but you've been dead for 12 years what the fuck!!" I say standing from the chair, I wasn't gonna lie I was scared. He couldn't still be alive!!

"Don't cuss at me, you've hurt my daughters feelings and crushed her spirit by telling her I am not with her." Jax says. I was to scared to even think, I threw the bible I kept on the desk at him. It went threw him. "Your an aberration?" I question. He smirked. "No, god sent me here to make my son king, I've heard everything you didn't want anyone to hear; you don't plan on stepping down, my son is of blood, my blood and he shall rule over you, Jackson Abel Teller will be the king." Jax says to me , stepping closer and closer with every word he spoke.
"He's not ready, I won't step down". I say. Jax chuckled. "Joanna is ready and so is Abel , Abel will rise as king, Zayne as Vice President and Joanna as the glue that holds it all together." He says.
"Zayne?" I asked confused as to why Zayne would be involved. Jax smiled. "My daughter doesn't yet know but Zayne Logan's child grows inside her as I speak". He says a smile. "I demanded her not to lay with him again!!" I growled. "You can not demand my child, her and Zayne are one , they always have been, and always will be". Jax says.

"I will leave you to your thoughts, I must speak to my children." He says. He vanished.

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