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The sun in late autumn is completely different from the harshness of summer, as if the hostility has been reduced, and it has become warm.

Zhao Qian lay barefoot on the beach, with two hands resting on the back of his head, and a torn straw hat covering his face.

"Eh, don't you fall asleep here! Don't let me go out to sea to fish, just stay here with you to bask in the sun?"

Hu San'er glanced at the calm person next to him, thinking he was the lazy child coming up again.

After a while, Zhao Qian said without seeing the beginning and the end.

"I quarreled with him."

Hu San'er brought out a wine jar, took a sip with his head up, and turned his head in surprise.

"With whom?

"There are only two people in my family, who can anyone!" Zhao Qian sat up in disgust, snatched the wine jar over, and poured it into his mouth.

Hu San'er opened his mouth slightly and his eyes were empty.

"Just like Brother Zhou's temperament, you can quarrel with him?"

"It's okay if you can really scold him a few words, but he doesn't talk!" Zhao Qian muffled the wine jar on the sand.

Hu San'er laughed dryly. "I haven't been married, nor can I figure out those things."

Zhao Qian fell on the beach again, and he should have gone to Hu San'er only because his brain was broken. In the past, his personality, no matter how big things he digested, or died in his heart, how messed up his emotional affairs when he fell in love with him, he couldn't help himself.

He scolded irritably, "You are so old, and how long do you want to wait until you get married!"

Hu San'er scratched the back of his head, his old face blushed, "I want to do it too, but I won't pay it back." Didn't you meet the right one?"

Zhao Qian shook his head. The weather is good today.

There are already many fishing boats on the sea. The distress in his heart cannot be resolved.

He stood up and patted the sand on his butt. "Don't say anything. I went out to sea."

Hu San'er stood up holding the wine jar. "How do you guys say every one is out!"

Zhao Qian ignored Hu San'er, pushed the boat out and floated on the sea with the oars. On the sea, he could meet the fishermen in the village. He rowed the boat forward and passed by a boat with an old man standing on the boat was casting a net, saw him passing by, and called him.

"Zhao Qian, where are you going?"

"I'm going farther."

"Be careful not to run too far. If the boat capsizes, no one will fish you!" The old man joked twice.

Zhao Qian didn't bother to tell him more, using his arms harder, he rowed the boat faster. 

After a while, the fishing boat was gone, so he slowly got up and prepared to go to the island where he fished last time.

In fact, it is quite reasonable for fishermen not to dare to go out to the sea.

The wind and waves on the sea are indeed bigger when they go out of Shangyu Village, and the endless sea without the shadow of a fishing boat will inevitably cause certain psychological problems.

Under pressure and poor psychological quality, it is easy to lose the ability to carry a boat in ordinary times, and it is very easy to get into trouble.     

Fisherman  [ Danmei MTL ]Where stories live. Discover now