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The next day, Zhao Qian, together with the village chief, and a few folks who know a little about Feng Shui, went to choose a suitable terrain for the village.

The two shipwrecks have learned lessons.

Everyone did not consider building the village near the sea. They would rather go to the coast for a while every day than open the door to the sea.

There is an old saying: The best way to build a house is to build a house with a green dragon on the left, a white tiger on the right, a red bird in the front, and a basalt in the back. 

Mountains are easy to find. There are mountains everywhere, and there is no shortage of water.

Just to find a terrain that happens to be backed by the mountain, with guards on both sides, and between the two mountains, with water in front.

Everyone walked for a day and turned around. It was cold in the spring and the weather was so cold that they couldn't stretch their necks.

Everyone who walked in this direction became hot.

At the end of the day, they chose a few places, either here or there.

The conditions were unsatisfactory, and finally found a good place on the mountainside three miles away from Xiayu Village.

The village chief was very hesitant about this.

"Our village and Xiayu Village are grudges and grudges. If we build a village so close to them, I'm afraid it will cause trouble!"

"What is the village chief is afraid of? They are useless, this place is not theirs, what else can they do!" Zhao Qian said angrily. "The last time they went to sea, they did some good things. They had to build the village next to them and respond to them."

Zhao Qian said, the other men also echoed. "Don't get used to them, it's a pity that we are afraid of it. It is a pity to miss such a good place."

After some persuasion, the village head was able to agree.

After the address was determined, the village chief notified the villagers in the two caves to build houses that night.

There is a long distance between Xiayu Village and the cave, and it is estimated that it will take more than half an hour to walk quickly. 

In order for everyone to save some walking time, Zhao Qian asked the women in the cave who stayed to cook to deliver meals every day.

There are a total of 18 households in the village who survived the shipwreck.

Of course, some have only one or two people left, and some have more people.

Zhao Qian considered that people with more people need bigger houses.

The smaller the number of people is enough, but for the sake of fairness, he divides the size of the house according to the manpower of each household.

Of course, if there are only a few women left in a household, the number of people is relatively large, but the manpower is small.

If you do, then you can only build smaller houses.

In the early stage, the main task was to level the ground. The village chief chose 18 places.

Every household was not very far away, but they could not be close to each other.

Take a moderate distance. After the place was planned, it started.

Laying the foundation.

After all, they are building their own houses, and everyone's mood is very high.

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