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"Brother Zhao, Brother Zhao." In a daze, Zhao Qian heard Brother Zhou calling out softly.

He frowned and opened his eyes. The sky was already bright, but the rain outside was still falling, and the sky looked gray. of.

Seeing that someone woke up, Zhou Ge hurriedly passed the gaped thick bowl in his hand.

"Drink some water."

Zhao Qian smashed his mouth. It was indeed dry. He took the bowl and took two big mouthfuls.

After drinking the water, he could see the sight of the cave clearly.

There was a cauldron in the cave. At this time, the villagers had set up a simple stone stove to boil water.

There was a small fire underneath. Everyone was surrounded. Warm up the fire.

Seeing his puzzled expression, Zhou Ge'er explained. "This was placed in the cave by the village chief. There was a shipwreck more than ten years ago. Just in case, the villagers donated some pots and pans. It didn't expect it to be really used."

Zhao Qian nodded. Fortunately, there are these things, otherwise the water would be difficult to drink. He stood up and wanted to go out to see the situation outside. Brother Zhou took a banana. The simple hat made by Ye handed him.

He looked at the water beads above, and touched the corner of Brother Zhou's clothes again. "Have you been out?"


He put his hat aside, and looked down at Brother Zhou's feet subconsciously.

Brows tightened. "You ran in such a hurry yesterday. Let me see how your feet are."

Zhou Ge'er quickly said, "I have already seen it."

He didn't conceal it.

"The scabbed wound has opened again. The mouth is bleeding, it's not in the way, I've taken care of it."

"Let me see." Zhao Qian squatted down, trying to pull Zhou Ge'er down, but Zhou Ge'er avoided him, and said with a heavy tone.

"Let's watch it later, you should go to the cave next door to see Big Brother Hu."

He was relieved first, Hu San'er ran out, and then his hand paused again.

"What's wrong with him?" Brother Zhou dropped.

He lowered his eyes and said nothing.

Zhao Qian felt that something was not good, so he stood up and lightly shaved off the bleeding beaded face of Zhou last night.

"I'll be back when I go. You are here with the folks, don't run around."

Brother Zhou nodded.

Zhao Qian buckled the banana hat on his head and drilled out of the cave.

The rain outside was still heavy, and the coolness of late autumn hit him.

He couldn't help shivering. Fortunately, he brought out his thickest clothes when he ran yesterday.

He was so afraid that it would be cold, but at this time he didn't care about the cold, stepping on the water withered leaves, looking for another cave.

The two caves were not far apart, and it was only four or five minutes away, but he didn't know the way, so he followed the route mentioned by Brother Zhou for a while.

When he found the cave, a pair of shoes was soaked, Hu San'er was sitting at the entrance of the cave, beside him was a little girl, her eyes were red with crying, this scene is not surprising, they stayed.

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