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Zhao Qian handed the money he received to the person who was packing his clothes in the back room and was going to take a bath.

Brother Zhou carried him on his back to pick up the clothes in the simple cabinet in the house, and he found only two of them.

He just didn't want to look back and pay attention to people.

Men don't have good things. Earlier, he heard people say that men love to hang around in Goulan Yards and spend a lot of money overnight.

Although there are exaggerated elements, it must be very expensive to spend money.

Farmers' food and clothing are all problems, and naturally there is no have seen those rumored Fengyue venues.

Before that, he hadn't thought about how these places would have anything to do with him, but he didn't expect to hear it from his own man just two days after he came to the market.

Anyone would have to be angry.

Seeing that the boy didn't take the money and didn't say anything, Zhao Qian was definitely still suffocating.

He hugged the person from behind, and said, "The clothes have been turned over from the inside to the outside. Are you still angry?"

Brother Zhou earned after a while, he didn't break away, and his tone was a bit stiff. "I'm going to take a bath."

"I just said that Goulan Yard it is not that I want to go to Goulan Yard. Isn't it the only place where the market is still open at night? There are many, and they are all people who are willing to spend money. I just want to do business, and casually said, what do you think!" Instead of letting people go, he tightened.

After listening, Brother Zhou didn't feel so awkward, and took the clothes into his hands suspiciously.

Zhao Qian took the opportunity to give him the money. "Look, you keep the money, I can't go anywhere."

Brother Zhou didn't say a word, put the money away, then shook his clothes and motioned him to wash up.

Seeing people going out, Zhao Qian sat down on the bench. After a busy day, he smelled smoky and didn't dare to pour on the bed.

It was late at night. Since he came to such a place, he worked from night to day. He went to sleep upside down, and now he is used to sleeping at night, and he feel a little tired when sitting.

After taking a gown and big pants from the closet, he went to the bath without skin and face. The shop is just that big, and the back door needs to be opened after the water is boiled.

There is a closed open-air small area outside.

Only the back door can be entered. It is just right to take a shower on a hot day.

When he opened the door, Zhou Ge'er was taken aback, and he saw that the black shadow quickly covered the clothes he had taken off in front of him.

 "You, why did you come in!" Brother Zhou quickly stepped back and leaned against the wall.

Zhao Qian laughed. "I haven't seen you, so I'm ashamed!"

As he said, he stripped off his clothes, quickly took off his pants and poured water on his body.

Brother Zhou's eyes widened as he listened to the sound of the water.

He didn't dare to move on one side.

Zhao Qian rushed for a while, looked at the teenager on the side, and stretched out his hand to pull him over.

"It's so dark, who can see it! Come here and go to bed early."

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